Bio (Minor Spoilers)

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Basic Info

Name: Y/n L/n

Birthday: B/d

Age: 15

Hair: H/c

Eyes: E/c

Blood Type: B/t

Quirk: None


Basic Appearance: Overall, looks like you but has a fit, well toned body, do to the training you had to endure to gain the abilities to fight those with quirks. You also don't wear cloths neatly, like having the button-up outer shirt open, rolled up sleeves, loose tie and under shirt not tucked in.

Personality: strong-willed, arrogant, kind, but loves to piss people off. You're also a bit of a show-off and gets a little annoyed when your chance to show off gets interrupted or someone else takes it. You love a challenge and to test yourself. You have a strong desire to be a hero, to prove that even someone quirkless can be a hero, with the right mindset and hard work. You also have a strong desire to protect your friends, even putting yourself in harms way, but refuses to sacrifice yourself as that would just make those same people sad. You also have a strong knightly like trait, refusing to take anything that would make the fight unfair, even if It's unfair to begin with. You also prefer to fight an opponent one on one, not accepting help in a fight, as it wouldn't allow you to prove people wrong about someone without a quirk being a hero. You also hate not being able to finish a fight, especially when you feel like you need to prove yourself. You don't like letting others know of your sister, as you don't want special treatment. Plus, she likes to embarrass her little brother. Despite this you're very proud to have her as a big sister, so much, so she's your inspiration and the reason you wanted to be a hero in the first place, wanting to prove others wrong came sometime afterwords.

Extra: you typically wear weighted clothing to continue to strengthen your body and as a means of holding back, the fight would be boring if it finished so soon.

Hero Outfit: can be what you want, but nothing that would even slightly give you an edge in a fight, as that goes against your principles. Basically, whereas other heroes have stuff put into their suits to help with their quirk, you do not do the same with helping your martial arts.

* Personally, I picture something like deku's beta hero outfit, but obviously without the special stuff in the boots and gloves.

Martial Arts

You use a type of martial arts called Yusutoru Art. A special martial art created by Minajima Yusutoru. He has taught it to few people, do to being picky of whom he teaches, as it can easily be misused. It gives its practitioner techniques that seemingly grant its user with near superhuman levels of abilities by mixing breathing techniques, muscle tension, and kinetic energy. It has many special techniques, each serving a different purpose. However, it has 2 very special and high grade techniques that are supplementary in nature, each granting the users with even greater abilities that few can even reach the level to be able to begin to learn them, even more so for the latter. They are called Kainhedoe and Sheisoe-Benti, you've only learned the latter rather than the former. It took most of your training with him just to be able to use it, and even stuff you're far from mastering it. The main requirement to learn this martial art was a strong, fit body that was also flexible. Which, if he chooses to train you, he will train you up in order to gain such a body. It was very harsh training.

The other techniques and what Kainhedoe and Sheisoe-Benti do will be shown throughout the story.


Parents = deceased

Older sister = alive.

* Name: Fudamei (L/n)

* Age: 27

* Quirk: Enhancement: a special quirk that enhances her entire body, similar to super strength but on a different level as it enhances her strength, durability, hearing, eyesight, sense of smell, healing, etc.

* Hero name: Crimson Berserker

** Do to her wild and ruthless personality, in combat, and insane strength.

* it's been noted that she could easily be in the upper 5 heroes but refuses as that would give her more work, meaning she won't be able to take care of her little brother as much. Despite this, she's still just as popular as them.

Grandparents = deceased

Last Thing

Sorry this is a little weird, never done this before, as I mentioned before. IDK how often I will or how I'll continue to do it overall, but we'll see. Also, sorry, the names sound odd or are a bit off. I'm really bad at coming up with names, so I used a name generator and mixed some together.

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