Ch. 1 Entrance Exam Arc Prologue

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"They say the ones who become your heroes are often your own parents. Well, no one told me they meant literally."


The scene shifts to a cityscape. We can see a 3-story building that's being used as a restaurant. Around it are other buildings and stores. In front is a decent crowed of people, either waiting to get in or eating dinner at the outdoor tables. The camera shifts to view the balcony, with a decent number of tables and dinners. We then can see a small 3 member family looking at a laptop with happiness and a sense of pride on their faces.

Dad: "Come on, get him!" The man said with a big smile on his face.

Mom: "Watch out, dear, he's behind you!" The woman said with concern on her face, that then turned into a smile.

Young (Y/n): "Get'em sis, show them who's boss!" The little boy said with pride.

The 3 cheer for someone on the screen, not caring about the other dinners around them, but they didn't seem to bothered. Some looked over their shoulders to watch too. Others just ignored it and continued eating.

(Y/n): "I was 9 at the time, but I can remember it like it was yesterday. It was just another day with my parents, another normal day. We were siting on a small balcony at our local restaurant. We wanted to watch my big sister's time at the UA sports festival. I had recorded it for my parents, since they have busy work schedules. It was torcher to resist watching it, but I made a promise not to. Plus, I really wanted to watch it with them. Even tho it wasn't live, we couldn't help but cheer her on as she dominates the festival. It was fun, eating with my parents, feeling the nice cool breeze, I just wish my sister was here with us, but she couldn't make it. Which, I'll admit, did make me sad, but I understood. She's trying to become a hero to rival All Might one day after all. Even tho it wasn't very high up we decided to go to the edge of the balcony and look over the city, well what little we could see that is. we wanted to enjoy this time together a little longer, but this is when everything went so.... so horribly wrong". 

Then an explosion can be heard. It was off in the distance, down the road from where the restaurant was. This not only caught the family's attention, but the other dinners as well. It was small, but still loud enough to be heard blocks away. Then we can see as a large crowd of people running from something that was hidden within the smoke.

???: "Run".

??? 2: "It's a monster".

??? 3: "Someone, please, call a hero or the police".

??? 4: "Please someone help us".

Villain: "Hahaha, run while you can, you little worms".

We then see a large monster like creature burst through the smoke. Chasing after the crowd of people. He wasn't stealing anything, he wasn't running from anyone. He was chasing people for the fun of it, and he enjoyed it. The monster had the biggest grin on its face, as if he takes sadistic pleasure in hurting random people. He's so large that he could easily catch up to the people but purposely ran slower, to prolong their suffering. He still manages to catch up to some and when he does, he would smack them away, hurling them into the walls and windows of nearby buildings on either side of him. All the while laughing at their misery and pain. Reveling in the thought that he just killed someone or could have killed someone.

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