Get it Away (2012 Raph x GN! Reader)

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Fear is a funny thing. It can be as mild as just having an uncomfortable feeling across your skin, or it can be so bad that it leaves you paralyzed and shaking in a corner, trying desperately to get away from the thing causing you such distress.

For the red-masked turtle, it was the latter.

He always claimed he had no fear, but that was before that mutated cockroach attacked him and his brothers, leaving him a shaking mess on the floor of the ShellRaiser.

From that day on, he refused to acknowledge what had happened, though his brothers tried to talk to him about it. Anytime they tried, he'd just walk away. Or, in the ever-persistent Leo's case, he'd start yelling.

Now all of this was unknown to you, as it had happened before you met the turtles and fell in love with the hothead. Unlike your boyfriend, you were fascinated by bugs, keeping a journal full of pictures and notes on different species you'd seen around New York.

On this particular day, you had found a fairly large beetle. It had a black exoskeleton with teal markings, and had immediately captured your attention. You had scooped it up in a jar and began to make your way to the lair to show the boys your amazing find.

As you walked through the turnstiles at the lair entrance, you called out, "Hey boooys, guess what I fooundd."

Soon enough three of the boys came around the corner and, in Donnie's case, out of the lab, to see what you had to show them.

You held up the jar proudly, showing off your treasure. Mikey stared in awe, smiling at the hug and poking the glass to get its attention. Leo nodded in amusement, and Donnie started spouting off something about how rare the bug was and where it came from, typical Donnie things.

"Where's Raph? I wanna show him." You looked at Leo, certain he'd know the answer.

"In the dojo training." You turned swiftly before he grabbed your wrist and you glanced back at him. "I don't know if it's a good idea to show him, though."

You tilted your head in confusion. "Why not?"

Donnie leaned closer to Leo. "I'm sure it'll be fine. It's a small bug. It can't possibly freak him out that badly."

Leo nodded skeptically and let go of your wrist, and you grinned at Donnie before turning and walking quickly to the dojo.

You slipped through the door and shut it behind you, stirring up to where Raph was busy pounding on a punching bag in the corner of the room.


He turned and, seeing you, smiled. He loved when you came to the lair. You were always so excited about something, no matter how small or insignificant that thing was. He adored how you would start bouncing on your toes when you would explain something.

"Hey sunshine. What's up?" He turned from the punching bag and crossed his arms, interested to see what you had to say.

"Look what I found!" You held up the jar and rotated it so he could see the beetle skittering up the side of the glass.

He immediately stiffened and went silent, but you didn't notice as you had started talking.

"I found it outside my apartment. Donnie said it's rare. It's so pretty, isn't it?" You looked up, and finally noticed that Raph had started backing away slightly, and his breathing seemed to be faster.

"Raph? You okay?" You stepped closer in confusion, but he backed away further, shaking his head.

"G-get it away." He stuttered, hitting the wall and pulling his hands closer to his body.

You glanced down at the jar and watched as the beetle jumped from one side of the jar to the other, closer to Raph, and you saw him jump slightly out of the corner of your eye. His breath hitched as he tried to speak again.

"G-get it away from m-me." His hands started to shake, and you could tell he was starting to hyperventilate.

You quickly left the room and set the jar outside the door before closing it and walking back to Raph. As you got closer, he hit the corner of the room and started to slide down, hitting the floor with a soft thud.

You kneeled in front of him and held your hands out slightly, unsure of what to do. You figured he was having a panic attack, and it had something to do with the beetle, but you had no idea how the two were connected.

"Hey, it's okay. The bug's gone. I'm right here." You reached out for his hand, but stopped. You looked into his emerald eyes, clouded with fear, and asked, "Can I touch you?"

You thought your heart would shatter when you saw his eyes start to shimmer with tears. He nodded, still breathing erratically, and you scooted closer, pulling him to you gently and wrapping your arms around him.

You began to slowly rub his shell in circles, and you could feel tears soaking your shirt as he shook from terror.

After a while you could feel his breathing slow down, as well as his heart beat. Even after he was calm, he still clung to you, taking slow, deep breaths to still his shaking hands.

You rubbed his shell again, and felt him hold you a little tighter. "What happened, Raph? You were okay one second and then you weren't."

He pulled back slightly and looked you in the eye. "I hate bugs."

"What?" You were a bit startled.

He took a breath and glanced down. "I've always been iffy about bugs, just didn't like 'em. But a few months ago we ran into this giant mutated one, and it freaked me out. Leo and the others had to get us out of there because I was no help. That stupid bug left me shaking in the ShellRaiser, and I couldn't do anything about it."

"Oh." You exhaled.

He laughed tiredly and looked away. "I know. Pretty pathetic, huh."

"Oh, Raph baby, no." You placed your hand on his cheek and gently lifted his face to yours. "It's not pathetic at all. It's normal to be scared, even if it's by something small like bugs." You let go of his cheek and gazed down regretfully. "If I had known it would scare you, I wouldn't have brought it in here."

"It's okay, Y/N. You didn't know." You glance back up at him and he smiles slightly. "I'm sorry for not telling you."

You smile back in return. "It's okay."

"So, you ready to get up?" You start to stand, but Raph pulls you back down into the corner with him. "Let's stay here for a bit, okay? I like this."

You smile and pull him back to you again. He lays his head on your chest and sighs in contentment.

"I like this too."


Well, it is currently 1:30 in the am, and I should not be up, yet here I am, writing ninja turtle fanfic. Guess I work better at night.
Hope you guys liked it. Comment, share, whatever it is you do on this platform, and I'll see you when I see you 🐢

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