It Doesn't Matter (Rise! Leo x Male! Reader)

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Based on this post I found on Pinterest-

Based on this post I found on Pinterest-

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You were learning Spanish.

You weren't very good yet, but once you had started dating Leo, and even a bit before that, he would sometimes say something or call you a name in Spanish, and you wanted to know what he was saying.

You were learning it in secret, so you could surprise him one day soon, but on this particular day, you felt it necessary to ruin the surprise in order to help your boyfriend.

You see, Leo tended to rant in Spanish a lot. Donnie had told you when you started dating Leo, but you didn't think it was anything bad. You just thought he would complain about a mission or just argue in Spanish if he was mad enough. But you were severely mistaken.

On this day, you had received a message from Donnie to come to the lair because Leo was upset and Donnie thought you could help calm him down. You agreed and made your way down into the sewers, through the tunnels and eventually entering the lair.

You entered to the sound of yelling. Never a good sound.

You walked quickly to the living room, where Leo and Raph were busy arguing. Per usual, but it seemed bad today.

"Why won't you just listen to me, Leo? It's not safe for you to just wander out and about up there!" Raph was apparently trying to get Leo to stay in the lair, and obviously Leo wasn't having it.

"I'll be fine! I just need a break, I'm going crazy down here! I need to get out of the lair for a bit, it's not like I'm gonna die if I'm gone for a few hours!"

"No, Leo. You're staying down here, and that's final." You cringed slightly. Even when it wasn't directed at you, Raph's stern voice always made you feel like you'd done something wrong.

Leo groaned in utter frustration. "Why don't you trust me?!" He yelled, clearly at his breaking point.

"Oh, don't start that, Leo." Donnie was talking now, backing Raph up. "We trust you, you're just trying to get attention by leaving, and that's not going to happen. Raph said you're staying here."

"None of you trust me, just admit it!" You could almost hear the sadness in Leo's voice, and it hurt you.

"Leo, stop." Raph was talking again. "Just stop. You're overreacting. You're just being dramatic."

Suddenly, Leo's eyes lit up in anger, and he started yelling again, full force.

"I'm not being dramatic, it's true! None of you trust me for anything! You don't let me go anywhere without you, you treat me like a child! I'm not overreacting, I'm reacting like I should!"

You guessed his anger became too much for him, because he suddenly switched from English to Spanish.

"Pero eso no importa ¿verdad? ¡Porque es Leo! ¡Porque Leo es el niño más difícil! ¡Porque Leo es el problema! ¡Porque Leo es el inútil! Como Leo es arrogante, impulsivo, ¡nunca piensa en la consecuencias! ¡No importa que tenga pesadillas, no importa lo que siento porque no es importante!"

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