Slushies (2012 Mikey x GN! Reader)

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Slushes are great.

In your eyes, there was nothing better than a slush after a long day or after a mission with the boys. The cold, thick, saturated drink was the best thing since sliced bread in your opinion and luckily, Mikey felt the same.

People say there are five love languages, but the two of you single-handedly invented a new one: slushes. If one of you had had a hard day, or you were sick, or just craving one, the two of you would sneak out of the lair and down the road to the convenience store on the corner to get a slush. You preferred the cherry flavor, and Mikey always got blue raspberry.

Today was one of those days. You had woken up more tired than when you fell asleep, school seemed to drag on for way longer than should be legally permitted, and you had forgotten to bring your lunch with you to school. By the time you got to the lair, you were starving and annoyed.

Mikey, like always, came barreling through the door, followed closely by Donnie. They both enclosed you in a hug, to which you returned, and smiled excitedly at you.

"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N!!" Mikey chanted, dancing around you.

You chuckled, your dark mood already lightening. "What's up, twinkle toes?"

"Me and Donnie made something for you!"

You raised an eyebrow and looked to Donnie. "Did you now?"

He looked to Mikey. "It's Donnie and I, Mikey." He looked back to you. "But he is correct. We made you something."

You smiled and tilted your head to Mikey. "Well then, let's go see this 'something'."

He grabbed your hand and practically pulled you across the living room to the lab, barely giving you time to call out a greeting to Leo and Raph on the couch.

The two of you barreled into the lab, Donnie following close behind. Mikey led you to the main table where a small box sat unopened.

Well, that was soon to change.

You gently (more like barbarically) opened the top of the box and pulled out the gift. It was a necklace, made from rose gold, your favorite metal, with a purple gem in the center with two smaller blue ones on either side on movable gears.

You looked up at the boys in surprise. "You guys made this for me?"

"Yep yep! Well, Donnie made most of it, but I picked out the gems!" Mikey beamed at you, clearly proud of himself.

Donnie chuckled at his brother's excitement. "It's not just a necklace, Y/N. It's a tracking device, so we can find you easier if we have to split up on a mission." He held out his
T-phone that had a new light on the top that flashed purple when he tapped it. A few seconds later, his phone emitted a sound. "Location is two feet ahead."

"The gears move too!" Mikey added. "I know you like fiddling with things, so I thought that would help."

You grinned giddily and wrapped your arms around the boys' necks, pulling them into a hug. "Thank you guys so so much, I love it!"

They laughed. "You're welcome, Y/N!"

The next hour or so was spent in the lab with Donnie and Mikey, not doing much, just hanging out and talking. Leo came in a bit later to collect the three of you for a mission, and you all set off soon after, Raph trailing lazily behind the four of you.

You slowed down to match his pace, and you caught his eye. "You good, dude?"

He groaned. "Yeah. Just tired."

"I feel that. Today been a wreck for you too?"

"Always." You nodded. You knew how it felt to get up every morning knowing nothing waited for you but the same old routine. At least you had the lair to escape to. Raph had nothing but the dojo to get out his feelings.

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