Stitches (2012 Donnie x GN! Reader)

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Donnie was very much an, 'I'll do it myself' kind of person.

He hated asking for help, and even when it was offered, he usually wouldn't take it. He tended to work himself to death, or just flat-out get himself hurt and try to fix it himself.

Today, it was the latter.

You were currently walking through the sewers, eager to spend some quiet time with your boyfriend. The others were all out of the lair, doing what, you weren't sure. You just hoped they'd stay out for a bit longer. You and Donnie never got much alone time, there was always someone who needed your attention or needed him to fix something.

You smiled as you entered the lair, about to call out to Donnie, when you spotted a few drops of blood on the floor.

You narrowed your eyes in concern. That was Donnie's blood. It had to be, he was the only one here. You knew no one would have followed him here and attacked him, so the only explanation was that he'd hurt himself on accident. Most likely while building something.

You followed the trail to the lab, and you could hear clunking and thumps coming from inside. You swung the door open and you froze.

What the hell?

Donnie was sitting on the edge of his worktable, hospital thread in his mouth and needle halfway into his leg where, lo and behold, there was a huge gash.

You stepped closer. "Donnie, what are you doing?" As you came closer, you noticed his hands shaking, and got increasingly more worried. "What happened?"

Just like you predicted, he mumbled, "I was working on a piece for the ShellRaiser and it fell off the table and onto my leg."

You sat in front of him and took the needle and thread, examining the wound.

It was about three inches long, pretty deep but not deep enough to be harmful, and apparently Donnie had been at this for a while, as there were already a few stitches at the top, though they weren't that good. You weren't blaming him, mind you, but when someone tries to give themselves stitches, it's bound to be messed up.

"You're lucky I came down here." You retreaded the needle and looked up at him from your chair. "Why didn't you call me?"

He sniffed, and it was then that you realized he'd been crying. His mask was wet around his eyes, and his eyes themselves were puffy and slightly red. You figured the pain was bad if he was crying from it. Your heart throbbed for him. You hated seeing any of the brothers in pain, but especially Donnie.

"I didn't wanna bother you. I could do it myself." He hissed in pain as he tried to move his leg.

You set a gentle hand on him to stop him from moving. "Donnie, if you need help, ask. Someone will help you, it's okay. You don't have to feel like you have to do everything for yourself, okay?"

He nodded slightly, and you nodded back, before handing him a rag from his drawer. "You might wanna bite down on this."

He put it in his mouth and bit down hard. You took a deep breath before starting, trying to be as quick as possible.

You almost stopped a few times, your heart filling with pain hearing Donnie whimper every time the needle was put back into his skin. You knew it hurt like hell, and you wished that he didn't have to feel it.

After a few minutes, you finished sewing him up and sprayed some disinfectant on his leg, which he flinched away from. You began wrapping his leg, and decided to ask the question that had been bothering you since you got here.


"....yeah?" His voice was thick from crying, and you felt so bad for him.

"Why didn't you call me? Really? I would've helped you." You packed the first aid stuff back in its bag and slid it into the drawer.

He sighed, rubbing his eyes. "I guess....I didn't think that you'd actually show up?"

You froze, confused. "What? Darling, of course I would."

He shrugged. "I don't know, in the past if I called Leo or Raph or even Mikey to come help me, unless it was for a mission, they'd say they were busy. Or they'd say they'd come, but they wouldn't."

Your eyes hardened in annoyance, not at Donnie, but at his brothers. "Were you ever hurt when you called them?"

He nodded. "A couple times."

"Did you try to call them today?"

He shook his head. "I stopped calling them about stuff like this a while ago. I knew they wouldn't come if I did, so it was just a waste of both of our times."

You shook your head in disbelief. You hated that his brothers wouldn't even help him when he called, when he would drop everything to come to their aid if they needed it.

"Donnie, look at me please." He still wouldn't make eye contact, so you reached out and gently lifted his chin enough so he'd look at you.

"Don't waste your time with them anymore. Clearly they don't care enough to help when you call. If you need help, ever, for any reason, call me." You wiped a stray tear off his cheek with your thumb. "I'll be there."

He smiled slightly. "Thank you, Y/N."

You smiled back. "You're welcome, Dee." You stood and stretched. "Now, I'm sure you know that you can't walk on that leg until the stitches heal a bit, right?"

He nodded.

"Alright then. Do you still have Leo's old crutches?"

"I think so." He tapped his fingers on the table. "I think they're in that closet over there."

You strode over to the closet and opened it. Just like he said, the two wooden crutches were leaned up against the wall.

You grabbed one and walked back over to him, handing it over and helping him off the table. He sat in his lab chair and you sat in yours, facing each other.

You took his hand in yours and said, "If your brothers ask why your leg is bandaged, tell them to come to me. I have a bone to pick with them."

He chuckled and stood, pulling you into a hug and nuzzling his head into your shoulder. "Thanks for helping me, Y/N." He thought for a moment, and continued. "..I love you."

Your face lit up like a Christmas light. He's never said that before.

"I-uh.." you couldn't talk for a moment, and Donnie laughed.

You finally got your mouth to work and hugged him tighter. "I love you too, Dee."

His brothers had hell to answer to when they got back but for now, you were content just standing here holding the love of your life.

And what could be better than that?


Hello beautiful people! Another oneshot? I'm pumping these out!
On a slightly more depressing note, I'm gonna take a bit of a break. Life has been stressful, and this is one thing I can control, so I'll be gone for about a week or so. I'll be working on a few oneshots while I'm gone so hopefully I can post those when I come back.

Thanks for all the love and support, thanks in advance for your patience, and I'll see you when I see you! 🐢

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