Chapter 2

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Later that night, the Five were heading off to their bunkhouse to rest up for tomorrow's training, while Po and Hana followed close behind. While they did, the Five discussed Oogway's choices of the Dragon Warrior and apprentice.

"There's no words," said Mantis. "No denying that," added Crane. "I don't understand what Master Oogway was thinking," said Viper. "The poor fellas are just gonna get themselves killed!"

"They are so mighty!" Crane said, jokingly. "The Dragon Warrior fell out of the sky on a ball of fire!"

"Technically, I came on a rocket-powered chair," Po said to Hana, overhearing the conversation.

"When he walks, the very ground shakes!" joked Mantis, getting a chuckle from the others.

"One would think that Master Oogway would choose an apprentice that looked old enough to be worthy," Tigress said. "and a Dragon Warrior that actually knew kung fu."

"Yeah, or could at least touch his toes," said Crane. "Or even see his toes," Monkey added.

Po tried to prove them wrong by lifting his belly and peeking over, but only succeeded in falling down.

In the bunkhouse, when the Five blew out their candles, Po and Hana walked in to find a vacant room. The floorboards were very creaky. Hana knew they would be no match for Po's weight.

"Po, follow my lead," she said. "Slow and steady."

Po took very slow and gentle steps, but ended up breaking a hole in the floor. After trying to cover it up, he pushed Hana forward, moving as quickly and gently as he could.

She guided him into one of the rooms, but when they got in, Crane was in front of them, picking under his wing when he noticed them.

"Oh, hey, hi, you're up," said Po. "Am now," Crane replied.

"We were just, uh...some day, huh?" Po said. "That kung fu stuff is hard work, right?" Hana added. "Are your biceps sore?"

"I've had a long and rather disappointing day, so, uh...yeah," said Crane. "I should probably get to sleep now."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," said Po. "Of course," said Hana. "It's just," Po explained. "Man, I'm such a big fan! You guys were totally amazing at the battle of Weeping River! Outnumbered a thousand to one, but you didn't stop, and you just..."

He tried to re-enact what happened, but ended up kicking a hole in the paper wall. He and Hana looked in the hole, where Monkey was trying to meditate in the next room. "Sorry about that," said Po, as Monkey gave them a look. "We'll fix that soon, don't worry," said Hana.

"Look," said Crane. "You two don't belong here," Po sighed. "We know, we know, you're right," he said. "I just, my whole life, I've dreamed of..."

"No, no, no," said Crane. "I meant you don't belong here, I mean, in this room. This is my room. Property of Crane!"

"Oh, okay, right, right," said Po. "So yeah, you wanna get to sleep, we're keeping you up."

"We've got big things tomorrow," Hana added as she and Po stepped out of the room. "You're awesome," Po said to Crane before closing the door. "Last thing we're gonna say. Bye-bye."

Crane sighed disappointedly. Po and Hana peeped back in. "What was that?" said Po. "I didn't say anything," Crane replied. "Okay, alright," said Po. "Goodnight, sleep well." Hana closed the door. "Don't let the bedbugs bite," she said. Crane facepalmed in annoyance.

"Seemed a little bit awkward..." Po sighed. "Yeah, y'think?" Hana added. "We've still got a room to find. C'mon."

They carried on, but were stopped by another door opening. It was Tigress.

"Master Tigress!" Po said, nervously. "Didn't mean to wake you...just, uh..."

"You don't belong here," said Tigress. "Yeah, yeah, of course," said Po. "This is your room."

"I mean, you two don't belong in the Jade Palace," Tigress said. "You could fool anybody with an age like that, and YOU are a disgrace to kung fu. If you have any respect for who we are and what we do, the both of you will be gone by morning."

She closed her door. "Big fan!" Po called back. He and Hana started to feel disappointed. Is this really what I came for? Hana thought to herself.

Much later, the two sat near a peach tree, feasting on some of the peaches to relief their stress. "I see you have found the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom," said a voice. They turned around and saw an elderly turtle walking to them.

"Is that what this is?" Po said. "We are so sorry!" Hana said. "We thought it was just a regular peach tree."

"I understand," the turtle said. "You eat when you are upset,"

"Upset? We're not upset!" Po said. "Yeah," said Hana. "Why would we be upset?"

She whispered to Po. "This must be that Oogway guy Shifu mentioned," she said. "Yup," said Po. "The one and only."

"So why are you upset?" Oogway asked. Po and Hana sighed in despair. "I probably sucked more today than anyone in the history of kung fu," Po admitted. "In the history of China, in the history of sucking!"

"Probably," Oogway said.

"And I was pretty much seen as a fool because of my age," Hana added.

"Pretty much," Oogway said.

"And the Five," said Po. "Man, you should've seen 'em. They totally hate us!"

"Totally," Oogway said.

"How's Shifu gonna turn us into the Dragon Warrior and apprentice?" Hana said, despondently. "I mean, I'm not like the Five," Po added. "I've got no claws, no wings, no venom...even Mantis has those...thingies..."

"And I'm getting close to the edge of adolescence," Hana said. "I might have been picked a little too early."

"Maybe I should just quit and go back to making noodles," said Po. "And you should send me back to Earth and find a new apprentice," Hana added.

"Quit, don't quit," said Oogway. "Noodles, don't noodles, Earth, don't Earth. You are too concerned for what was and what will be. There's a saying: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present."

Oogway left the two on their own. "Well, Po?" Hana asked. "C'mon," said Po. "We have a lot more work to do."

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