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Po and Hana trekked all the way back up the stairs to the Palace, with Hana having to help Po up again.

When they made it, they saw Shifu, lying on the floor, lifeless. "Master!" They both cried out, running up to him.

"Shifu, Shifu, are you okay?" Hana said as Po rolled Shifu over. "Po...Hana..." Shifu said, weakly. "You're alive...or we're all dead."

"No, Master," said Po. "We didn't die. We defeated Tai Lung."

"You did?" Shifu said. Po nodded. "Wow..." said Shifu. "It is as Oogway foretold...you are a Dragon Warrior and apprentice. You have brought peace to this valley...and to me. Thank you, Po...thank you, Hana..."

Shifu then lost consciousness. Po and Hana started to tremble. "No...Master..." said Po. "No, no, no! Don't die, Shifu, please!"

Shifu suddenly awoke. "I'm not dying, you idio...uh...Dragon Warrior and apprentice."

"You're not?" Hana said.

Shifu started to meditate. "I'm simply at peace..." he said. "Finally."

"Oh..." Po said. "So, um...we should stop talking?"

"If you can," Shifu replied.

"Let's give him some alone time," Hana whispered to Po. "Besides, there's something you should know."

They went further back from Shifu, so they wouldn't disturb him. Po lifted Hana up to his face.

"Before I came here," Hana said. "I never really had any friends. Nobody really respected me. And so the night before I was summoned, I made a wish that I could start a new life where I could actually have a friend...and it turns out...you gave me my wish." Po smiled. "And you gave me mine," he said.

Hana was so touched that she suddenly threw her arms around Po's neck and gave him a big hug, snuggling into his fur. Po gladly hugged her back. "I'm so happy to be your apprentice," Hana said as they squished their cheeks together.

They broke their hug and returned to Shifu. Po laid down next to him and meditated with him. When he closed his eyes, he felt something. He looked, and saw Hana joining him and Shifu in the meditation, sitting on his belly in a lotus position. She opened one eye at Po, who smiled and rolled with it, and she smiled back and snuggled herself deep into his flabbiness.

After a little while, Po opened his eyes again. "You wanna get somethin' to eat?" he asked Shifu.

Shifu opened his eyes and sighed. "Yeah," he said.

Later on, the three silently sat near the peach tree. Shifu had himself a bowl of dumplings. Po and Hana held out their own bowls. This time, Shifu was willing to share.

He gave the two some, and they happily enjoyed their dumplings together. Hana laid back against Po, comfortably. Thank you, she thought. for choosing us, Master Oogway.


Hana Huong and the Kung Fu Panda(Po X Human!OC)Where stories live. Discover now