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A/N: I know I said this chapter wouldn't be published until the weekend, but I ended up pulling my back late yesterday while helping clean out the attic. I'm 25 but have the back of an 80-year-old. After a visit to the ER (due to not knowing if I had slipped a disc in my spine which requires surgery to fix), I am now on bedrest until my back heals. I was able to write up majority of this chapter while in the ER last night. But now, I'm back home and have time to write more chapters! I hope you all enjoy this next chapter! Love you all!!!

"Rise and shine!"

Regaining consciousness the next morning, Cloud found himself lying on the ground with Aerith, Tifa, Red, Yuffie, and Cait Sith. As he slowly got up and listened to the taunting voices of the men surrounding them, he noticed the person who was missing—Lailah. His mako-infused eyes searched the room in a panic, wondering where she was. While rising off the ground, he grabbed his sword and was ready to cut down the men.

"Whoa now, wouldn't try that if I was you," Garth warned the blonde.

Seeing they were surrounded by men who were aiming guns at them, Cloud released his sword and chose to not jeopardize their lives.

"All right, follow me," Garth commanded. "Up, up!"

With no other choice, the party followed the man. He led them through Solemnitude Manor until they reached an area that was decorated with bright and colorful graffiti.

"You just wait right there," the brightly-dressed man commanded. He walked over to the doors and shouted, "Hey, Boss! Your guests are here!"

A man in a green suit emerged from the doors, dancing as he approached the party. Once satisfied with his performance, he threw out his arms. "Allow me to welcome you to my desert oasis, Cloud." He then looked unsurely at Garth. "Cloud, right? The merc for hire?"

The man nodded. "Got it in one, boss man."

The strange man, whose name was Gus, then quickly turned back to the group and began to wildly gesture to everyone. "But which one of you is it? Is it you? You? Maybe you? Or is it the pooch?!" He chuckled and turned to face the blonde. "I'm just messin' with ya! That there is our man!"

"I don't think we've met," Cloud coldly replied.

""Course we haven't met! Ya got brain damage? I'm not the type of player folks tend to forget." He pointed at himself. "Now, you may not know me, but I know you. And why do you think that is, Mr. Mercenary? Hah! I'll tell ya why! 'Cause it's my business to know! And what kinda businessman would I be if I didn't have the scoop on the man who brought down Donnie C? Lemme just say—bravo. Well done." He clapped his hands together, showcasing how he was impressed.

Cloud didn't trust the man but tried to ask a question. "We're looking for someone. A man—"

Gus promptly interrupted. "Hey there, hi there, ho there—no need to explain! Intel's my bread and butter! Really gotta tell ya twice?" He threw his hands up, gesturing to the Gold Saucer above. "Uptown secrets always trickle down. Which is why I'm ever so certain that you'll be useful."

Cloud sighed as the man stepped closer to him. "What do you want?"

"So, the son of a bitch with a gun for an arm? I got him under lock and key. Out in the middle of the dunes. Now, I'm a generous guy, so I'd be happy to tell ya where to find him. But only if I get two little somethings from you first. Understand? The first little somethin' bein' a shitload of money. I want stacks of it, heaps of it, mountains of it! I mean, did you hear what he did?! Your buddy shot Shinra troopers in broad friggin' daylight! So I ain't about to give him up for free! Ya think my prison runs on good deeds? No, sir! It runs on gil! So. Much. God. Damn. Gil!"

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