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"Getting kinda cramped in here," Aerith said as the walls were drawing closer.

"As if this couldn't get any worse!" Red shouted, dodging the demon gate's hand.

Lailah, with her spear in hand, jumped back and provided healing for everyone. Even though the demon was attached to the wall and couldn't move anywhere else, it was powerful. She was able to deal some damage with her spells and weapon, but it was a tough monster. Even as the walls drew closer which narrowed the battlefield, she trusted they could kill the creature.

She was preparing an ice spell when all of a sudden, the demon gate turned its attention to her. She canceled the spell and quickly erected a light barrier around her to protect herself from the monster's onslaught. Its skeletal hands slammed repeatedly against her barrier, creating small cracks. She decided to keep the demon's attention on her as long as possible so the others could attack it.

The moment her barrier shattered, Lailah jumped to the side to avoid being hit by the demon's hands. She then conjured a large fireball that struck the monster directly in the face, causing it to stagger and fall limp.

While it was regaining its strength in its incapacitated state, the party didn't hold back as they attacked. They did an exponential amount of damage before it recovered and forced them back on the defensive.

Just when they thought they had gained the upper hand in the battle, they were swatted away by the demon gate. As they were thrown back toward the wall, they were taken by surprise when another demon appeared.

Lailah placed a barrier around each of her companions just in time to protect all of them from the second demon's attack. She dispelled her barriers as they landed on their feet.

Barret glanced between the two demon gates. "Not two of 'em!"

The group continued to fight against the demons on both walls. The battlefield continued to narrow, making it more difficult for them to move around and avoid the monsters' attacks. They focused their efforts on the first demon gate they had been fighting before the second one appeared.

Lailah was about to drive her spear into the demon gate's head when she heard a familiar bleat. She jumped back from the monster and looked at the wall where the second creature was located. "Aether...?"

Hearing another bleat of the ancestral beast, the others were also confused when they heard the noise.

Seconds later, the wall with the second demon gate shattered. The creature attached to the wall shrieked before it was wiped out by a powerful light spell. Aether appeared, having been the one to break the wall. The party was relieved to see the large deer, knowing they would be receiving his help. The only demon gate that remained was the original one.

Finally, the group was able to deal the killing blow to the demon gate.

Barret laughed victoriously and threw a fist into the air. "Still alive! No "homecomin'" for us today!"

Yuffie was also overjoyed at their victory. "As if we were ever gonna lose. We're unstoppable!" She threw a few punches with a wide smile.

Lailah approached Aether, who lowered his head. She smiled and petted the top of the deer's head. "Thank you for helping us, Aether."

"Yeah," Aerith said, walking up to stand next to the snowy-haired girl. "We really appreciate it."

"Do not thank me yet, young ones," Aether spoke in a language they both understood. "For ahead lies a trial of life and death. Your fate and the fate of those around you will be determined by your decisions from here on. The Vitaea and Cetra shall unite to protect this world and those they cherish."

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