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Having left the Golden Theatre, Cloud was wondering where Lailah had gone after the performance. He didn't see her on his way out of the theatre and was curious if she was still busy backstage due to her last-minute dance performance.

Just then, a figure ran past him. He almost didn't pay the person any attention until he saw what they were wearing. It was Lailah who had stormed by him. She was still wearing the dancing attire and her hair was still styled in a braided bun. Running barefoot through Event Square, she didn't stop.

Wondering where she was going, Cloud followed her. He left Event Square and found her near the fountain. To his surprise, she was talking to Dio. The park director was smiling and patted her on the shoulder. Walking over to them, he heard what the burly man said next. "Just think about it."

Lailah nodded. "Um, sure..."

"I'll have your clothes returned to the hotel. Until tomorrow, enjoy your time at the Saucer. I shall see you and your companions tomorrow at the colosseum."

The shapeshifter watched Dio walk away before she let out a heavy sigh. "A job, huh...?"

This piqued Cloud's interest. "He offered you a job?"

The girl quickly turned around, startled by his voice. "Yeah. I guess Dio was at the theatre and saw the performance. He said if either Aerith or I ever want to perform again, he would hire us on the spot as official employees."

The ex-SOLDIER replayed the ending performance in his head. He could hear Aerith's singing and see Lailah's dancing as clear as day. "The performance..."

She tilted her head to the side. "What about it?"

"It was—"

"Holy shit! You were right!"

The couple was taken aback at the sudden shouting. Looking at who had yelled, they saw a man with a spiky mohawk dressed in biker clothing. Behind him were three other men dressed almost the same way. From what they could tell, it was a small group of men who worked for Corneo. The leader of the small band, who was the man with the spiky mohawk, smirked as he and his companions approached the couple.

Cloud immediately placed himself in front of Lailah when he realized she was the target of their gazes. He glared at the don's lackeys as they drew closer. He didn't reach for his sword since they were in the middle of a crowded theme park.

"Told ya that magical chick was here," another lackey cackled. "I recognized those markings and hair from anywhere!"

The leader of the small group slid his hands into his pockets as he walked up to the ex-SOLDIER. He was unfazed by the blonde's scowl. "Ya mind steppin' aside, pal?"

Cloud crossed his arms as his glare sharpened. "Yeah, I do."

"Wait..." One of the other lackeys stepped forward after recognizing the blonde. "You're that bastard who beat the shit outta me in Wall Market! Ya broke my arm!"

Not wanting to entertain Corneo's henchmen, the boy turned to Lailah and grabbed her hand. "We're leaving." He began dragging her away from the encroaching creeps, only to stop when he saw one of the men grab her other arm.

"You ain't screwin' us over again!" It was the man who said Cloud broke his arm. He was the one to grab the girl's arm and try to pull her away from the ex-SOLDIER. "The don hasn't given up! We're gonna hand her over and get a shitton of gil!"

Cloud's death glare returned. "Not happening."

The leader of the group let out a low growl of annoyance. He reached out to grab Lailah's other arm, but she was quicker than him. In a split second, she transformed into a wolf pup and slipped away. She ran through the crowd and vanished from sight.

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