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It was a recreation of the battle on the rooftop of Shinra HQ. Cloud fought against Rufus while Lailah dealt with Darkstar. The mutated dog was a much easier target than the president, making it a breeze for her to take it down within a couple of minutes.

With the successful elimination of Darkstar, she could now focus on Rufus and help Cloud. Because of the severed link between the president and the dog, the man was down on a single knee. The ex-SOLDIER and the shapeshifter didn't hesitate to attack the currently incapacitated Rufus.

They were able to deliver a few blows before the president recovered. He was back on his feet, using his gun to zip around the ring. Even though he was outnumbered, he was still able to hold his own.

Rufus, after having blown Cloud back, aimed his gun at Lailah. However, he didn't pull the trigger right away. Instead, he met her piercing golden gaze. "You possess immense power no mortal could comprehend, and yet to stave your hand. Why?"

She arched a brow. "Would you prefer I skewered you?"

Rufus scoffed. "No. Though, I do wish to understand the goddess who walks among those who are not worthy of her time."

"I choose who is worthy of my time." She pointed her spear at him. "And I am well aware of the turmoil Shinra would fall into if you were killed. Unlike your father, there is no easy replacement for you. I might hate you and your company, but I know when to kill my enemies."

"Well, well..." A smirk appeared on the president's face. "I was not expecting you to have thought of the consequences of my death."

"Enough chatter." Lailah used a wind spell to knock Rufus back. Her sudden spell caught him off guard as he was blown back.

Cloud had recovered and rejoined the battle just before Rufus. He continued to fight side by side with the shapeshifter, not holding back any of his attacks. He would occasionally receive healing from her whenever he wasn't able to dodge or block the president's attacks.

Eventually, Cloud and Lailah were able to beat Rufus. They pushed the president back, their eyes never leaving him. The man pulled out a silver coin. "Enough of this farce." He tossed the coin into the air and shot it, causing a cloud of smoke to spread across the ring.

Lailah stared at Rufus' back as she saw his form through the smoke. Her eyes never left his back as he and Darkstar left the colosseum.

Tifa and Aerith walked over to the couple once they saw the battle was over.

"So, are we gonna go after him?" Tifa asked.

Cloud attached his sword to his back. "Not yet. First—"

"We find Cait Sith, right?" Aerith spoke up.


Cloud, Lailah, Tifa, and Aerith ran out of the Musclehead Colosseum. They began their search for Cait Sith, hoping to find him soon. The shapeshifter hoped with more people looking for the cat, they could find him before it was too late.

Lailah split up from Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith. She ran back to the welcome area, her eyes scanning the crowd for Cait Sith. Even though he was small, the black of his fur should be easily spotted among the vibrant colors of the Gold Saucer.

After a little bit, she was joined by Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith. She was about to tell them she hadn't seen the cat until her eyes detected a small black figure running in the opposite direction. She pointed at the cat. "There he is!"

The four quickly took chase.

Cait Sith saw he was being pursued and picked up the pace. "Och, leave me alone!"

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