The Wish of Loneliness

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"Jay! I'm home," I stated as I opened the main door.

"Alfie, you're back. How's school?" Jay asked. I took off my shoes and went back to my bedroom. We talked as I walked.

"Err....great. I made a friend in school."

"A friend?!!"'Jay screamed. He was shocked.

"Yeah. His name is Kevin, he is a new student that has joined our class, we talk a lot about our hobbies, you know what? Kevin knows how to do karate, isn't it cool?!"

"It's cool......but Alfie, he had just transferred to your school today, right? He doesn't know about your rumors, if he does, it is a matter of time that he leaves you." Jay worried, he didn't seem to trust Kevin. I corrected him.

"To tell the truth, at first, I also worried about the same thing. But Kevin told me that he didn't care about my rumors. He talked to me and treated me like a real friend. He seemed different from other people in class....." I answered happily, without noticing there was a bright smile on my face.

"You sound very happy. I'm glad." said Jay in relief, he seemed pleased that I came out from my sorrows.

"Am I? Well, it is my first time to have a friend except you....." As I lowered my voice as I spoke, I placed my school bag on the floor. All of a sudden, I realized something.

"By the way, Jay. What you did today?" I asked.

"Ah yes! I almost forgot it. Look at this, Alfie!" Jay remembered and showed me a computer.

"Huh?!! That computer. It's mom's? Where did you find it? Wait, you can touch objects?!!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, although I don't know why but I can touch objects now."

"That's wonderful, Jay!" I cried in joy.

"And that's not all! While you are at school, I searched up on the Internet about more information about school bullying. I found out the best way is to report to teachers---"

"Jay. I don't want to report to teachers." I stated coldly, destroying the happy atmosphere.

"Huh? Why do you say that?!" Jay questioned.

"Those school bullying cases on the Internet are only for normal circumstances. Our case is abnormal, Jay. I can see ghosts and many students know about this. If the teachers know I often speak to the air, they may try to contact parents. And at the next moment, I will be treated as crazy people and send into a mental hospital.....................I don't want that to happen." I explained.

"But Alfie.....If you don't, you will keep on be bullied."

"I know......but I don't want to enlarge this issue. If teachers know about this, the bullies will know that I report to the teachers, I don't want others to take revenge on me."

"Then, how about we solve it privately? If you want, I can always scare off them."

"No, we can't! I hate violence. Besides, many classmates in class know I can talk to ghosts. If those bullies got hurt by flying stones or being punched by an invisible force. This will only lead my rumors to worsen."

"........Sigh.....If you say so......" Jay agreed and stared at the ground. He was rather disappointed. Sigh.......Jay must have used a lot of time to find solutions to help me. I really appreciate it but school bullying is not something that can be solved so easily. I thought. As I observed Jay, his jade colour eyes lost its glow, I felt sorry that I destroyed the atmosphere.

"By the way, did you find anything else?" I asked, hoping to change the topic. Jay's eyes lightened and sparked, he took back the computer and typed on it. I went near him to see what he was doing. On the screen, it showed a website called 'Ghost Hunting'. Jay scrolled down and explained.

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