The Truth Behind Ghosts

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In Jay's viewpoint...

The next day, I sat on the floor alone in Alfie's room. Alfie had gone to school already. As my eyes stared at the computer, I strolled down on the 'Ghost Hunting' webpage on the screen and kept on complaining.

"Strong ghosts have the ability to talk, summon weapons and excellent in battling skills, ghosts follow their host's desires and reflect what they want in their hearts, ghosts can kill both ghosts and humans, ghosts can.......Argh! There is a lot of different information about ghosts but there is nothing explaining about how ghosts can touch humans!" I mumbled.

"Argh....there is nothing useful here." After hours of searching, I couldn't find anything useful. Sigh.....if there is only someone I can ask to......wait. All of the sudden, an idea popped out in my head, I carried a plastic bag and went downstairs to the street to search for my ghost friend.

"Ah ha! There it is." I said as I found an enormous black snake at the street corner. He was hugging a lightening post as usual, he looked larger and fatter than the last time I saw him. Every time I looked at him, I often wondered why he always stayed in significant places. Is it because he loves the sunshine? Or is it because he loves to hug? Although I didn't really understand Snakey's behaviors, I ignored the questions in my head and went closer towards the snake, waving a hand, saying.

"Yo. Snakey. Do you want some biscuits?" I opened my bag and got out a box of biscuits inside. Holding the box up high, I continued to talk to Snakey. "This is a gift for helping me to touch objects. Although I don't know why I can touch objects now, but I believe I can touch objects is triggered by you. So, here's a gift." I opened the biscuit box, a delicious scent fluttering in the air, Snakey sensed it and quickly crawled down from the lightening post. He lent his head close and sniffed at the biscuits, moving his head left and right like a little toddler and wondering what the biscuits tasted like. I supposed Snakey hadn't eaten any biscuits before, if he did, his eyes wouldn't be beaming. Soon, Snakey couldn't resist his hunger and swallowed one biscuit into his mouth. He then swallowed another and another. As more biscuits he consumed, his eyes glowed even brighter.

"Hissss....!" Snakey cried happily and shoveled another few biscuits into his mouth, he seemed really enjoying my gift.

"Ha-ha! Don't eat so fast!" I suggested. Watching Snakey, I nearly forgot why I came here.

"Ah yes, Snakey. I came here to ask you something. Do you know how to touch humans?"I asked.

".......hissss? Humans?" Snakey stopped eating and gazed at me.

"Yeah, humans. Have you got a clue?"

"Hiss.....why you want to touch humans?" said Snakey.

"Why? Well, I guess I want to be stronger......" I said as I lowered my voice with eyes darken.

"Actually, Snakey. You know what? I'm host was bullied by other classmates in school. I really want to teach those bullies a lesson and make them regret what they did. But if I did that, my host may be in a worse condition. I had already given him a lot of problems, I don't want to give him more......." On that day, if I didn't go to school, other people wouldn't know about Alfie's ability. Alfie got hurt is all because of me. I raised my voice and continued.

"Snakey, I can't stand myself not doing anything. I am not sure what I should do in solving the bullying. So, I want to start by solving my own problem first. If I can touch humans, I can do more things and perhaps I can help my host more." I made a quick smile, it was bitter through. Perhaps we were both ghosts, Snakey seemed to understand my sorrows, he tapped my shoulders lightly with his head and tried to comfort me.

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