Supernatural Affairs at School

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A short period later, at Sacred Diamond Secondary school, one dark brown hair man stood in the middle of a hallway, looking at a pile of lockers. His eyes fixed on one certain spot. There was a huge sheet covering a few lockers and some yellow and black keep out tapes to prevent people from coming near. Mr. Eric ignored the warning signs and peeled off the sheet a little to take a better look. He dug his head closely. The metal lockers were full of bumps and cracks as if they were being smashed by a heavy hammer. After observing, Mr. Eric stepped back and put one hand in the inner pocket of his jacket, he took out a light white piece of thin rectangular paper with a black symbol on it.

"Inspect," Mr. Eric recruited. A bright orange red flame sparked out on the paper immediately, setting it on fire. Surprisingly, the paper was not burnt into ashes.

"Good. It's a red flame. The ghost is still ranked as Gimel," whispered Mr. Eric.

Yesterday, Mr. Eric received a request from the school principal to investigate the reasons for having supernatural affairs in this school. He had a little talk with the principal to have a better understanding of the situation at school.

"Principal. Can you explain what exactly happened in this school in detail, starting from the day the supernatural things started to happen?" Mr. Eric asked as he held his notebook and pen. The principal was a bit anxious but he tried to speak up.

"Err......I remembered it started a week ago, it was late afternoon, at around half past five. I was walking in the corridor outside my office. Then all of a sudden, all lights in the corridor turned on and off automatically. I was very surprised. But after around a few minutes, the lights returned to normal."

"Did you notice anything strange before the lights went on and off?"

"Sadly, no. I was tired after work. At that time, I thought it was just some electric shortcuts and didn't care about it. But the next day, similar things happened at the same period of time. I felt strange and asked someone to check the electricity. But the staff said there was nothing wrong. Since that day, the lights kept on turning on and off and they were all in different places. I was terrified so I called the ESH."

"I see. Can you tell me how many students and teachers there are in school at that period of time?"

"It was rather late. Most students left school already. But some students stayed at school as they had extra-curricular activities. As for teachers, most of them are in school, you know, we always need to work overtime."

"Got it." While the principal spoke, Mr. Eric jolted down some notes in his notebook. The principal's face went pale again after he recalled his memories.

"Mr. Eric, is this supernatural incident related to those people above?" He asked.

"We can't be sure. The behaviors of ghosts are unpredictable. Do you know if there is any connection between the places where the lights were turned on and off?"

"No. All places look random to me. Any teacher, student or staff can enter those places."

"So, we can't limit the people related for now. That's enough information. Thank you, Principal. I promise you I will take care of this case." said Mr. Eric.

As he recalled what happened yesterday, he felt more regret and upset of himself. Yesterday, after he finished talking with the principal, he was starving to death because he hadn't eaten anything on the way to school. He got out of the school to have lunch and decided to come back to school later at around half past four. But when he came back, there were already three places damaged by the ghost. One was the lockers in the hallway. One was the corridor window on the 2nd floor while the last one was a window in the 3A classroom.

Mr. Eric observed the broken lockers in front of him again and thought.

Hallway, corridor and classroom. There must be a link between these three places. But what? Besides, according to the principal, all the lights turned on and off at the same period of time, why did the pattern of the time of the ghost's movement suddenly change? What is the reason?

As Mr. Eric kept on thinking, more questions appeared in his mind.

"Argh! Why didn't I stay at school yesterday? I underestimated the ghost. I thought he would show up around half past five. But instead, it was four!" He shouted in regret but he quickly calmed himself down. It was no use in regretting anyway.

Sigh......never mind. There's no time for me to regret. As the ghost can damage property now, there is a chance that he will hurt other people in this school. I must stop him before he does anything.

Judging by the clues now, there is a very high possibility that the host of the ghost has some kind of connection with Class 3A. There are so many classrooms in school, why did only the window of the 3A classroom get damaged? It's kind of suspicious. Let's start by getting more information about Class 3A.

Mr. Eric stopped thinking and gazed at a sign above him, the sign showed the character '3A'. He was already at the classroom door. He knocked on the door gently and walked inside.

At first sight, what caught his eye immediately was a large sheet on a window. In the classroom, there were large windows piled in a row, the sheet covering the broken window was extremely significant. Beneath the window lies an empty chair and desk. There was a student absent today. The sudden arrival of a man grabbed the attention of many students. They started chattering, wondering who on earth Mr. Eric was. The class teacher, Mr. Weaver, raised his voice.

"Attention, everyone! We will be having a special guest today. This is Mr. Eric. He will be joining us in lessons and observing our class." Feeling curious, a bunch of eyes stared at the man standing near the teacher's stand. Mr. Eric didn't get distracted by the numerous eyesight, he made eye contact with each and every student and observed them precisely. Among all these people in class, one of them was the host of the ghost harming the school. Mr. Eric took a deep breath and said.

"Hi, everyone. I am a reporter from the ESH newspaper office. I will be observing your class today for business purposes. I look forward to having lessons with you guys."

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