Newt Imagine pt 2

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Newts POV

I was working with the track hoes when the greenie alarm started going off. "Oh great another klunk-for-brains boy." I heard someone say next to me. Everyone had already started to gather around the box so I stopped what I was doing and made my way to the front of the ever growing cluster of boys. Once the box stopped at last, Gally and Alby opened up the doors and I jumped inside. I didn't see the greenie at first but then I noticed something stirring in the corner. I didn't want to scare our new arrival so I said "Names Newt greenie and welcome to the Glade."

Your POV

After you got over the initial shock of everything you decided to step out of the corner. Once you did though the boy, Newt, gasped. "It's a girl!" Right after he said it everyone else above you started saying things like "I call dibs!" or "Is she hot?" which only scared you more. Suddenly a voice yelled "Enough! Get her out of the box Newt." He was obviously their leader because after he said it everyone was quiet. Newt started walking towards you trying to get you to out of the box, and for some reason you let him. Someone threw down a rope and Newt said, "Just hang on tight and they'll pull you up." As he said it he put his hand on the small of your back to guide you over to the rope. Hopefully he didn't here you sigh because of the small gesture. Once you were pulled out of the box, a dark skinned boy who looked around 17 walked towards you. "Do you remember your name?" He asked. You realized that was the same voice that got all the other boys to be quiet so you knew he was the leader. "I-I don't remember anything." You stuttered. "Don't worry, it happened to all of us. You'll remember your name in a couple days at most. My names Alby and I'm the leader of these shanks." Shanks? You thought. These people sure do have funny language. Alby continued, "In the meantime, the box came up late and I have stuff to do so Newt over here is going to give you the tour." You hadn't realized Newt had gotten out of the box already and was standing behind Alby the whole time. "Ready to go?" He asked as Alby and all the other boys dispersed, some still looking over at you and gawking. "I guess." You answered timidly.

A/N I'm going to keep doing this imagine until I get a request for something specific but once this one is done I will do the other characters. This imagine is not going to be a one-shot obviously so I may make it pretty long. hope you enjoyed part 2!

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