Newt Imagine pt 3

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Your POV

You still didn't really trust anyone at your new "home" as everyone had called it. But as you and Newt were walking from place to place-Newt explaining what and where everything was and you just focusing on that heart melting accent-you decided to trust him. He seemed nice enough and at least he wasn't one of the boys that kept looking at you like a piece of meat. You hadn't realized you were already back at the box until you heard Newt say "Well we should probably head to dinner now, it's almost time." You didn't notice how hungry you were until he said that. "Ok, I'm starving." And with that he lead you to the kitchen.

Newt POV

As me and the greenie girl (she said she still couldn't remember her name) were walking to dinner I only then realized how pretty she was. She had y/h/l and beautiful y/h/c hair. Also she had the most stunning y/e/c eyes. And, her body was the perfect fit for her. We arrived at the dinner area just as the food line started to form. Once we were in line and had gotten our food (Frypan being extra smiley towards the greenie) we sat down at the keepers table. Usually I wouldn't allow anyone besides keepers there but she was a special case, besides, it's not like she had anywhere else to go. Suddenly she froze. "Y/n." "What?" I asked. "I remember my name! It's y/n!" "Well y/n I hope you're ready for a fun night." I said mischievously. "What?"

a/n ok so ik this chapter is really short and it's just a really sucky chapter but I had no idea what to write for a while. I probably am going to continue doing these but I've been thinking about starting ship fics. bc honestly who doesn't love newtmas fluff? so yeah i'll be starting some ship fics soon hopefully. I hope you've been enjoying the story so far! also thanks for 100 reads!! byeeee(:

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