: ̗̀➛chapter 6

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Chapter 6*Kisaki Tetta


Asahi Kokoro internally chuckle at Baji Keisuke's question
There are two probabilities as in why he asks the question

First, he had lost hope and decide to just go all in to the suspicious person infront of him, Asahi Kokoro herself

Second, he's just testing to see if the brunette is believeable or if she is a threat to the Tokyo Manji Gang

Kokoro has somehow predict his question, as Kisaki Tetta had said: "There is someone who's making that Osanai hurt worse than your doing"
She understand now that Osanai was beaten up more by Baji Keisuke and he just spit up the truth. Ah, she should have stab that Osanai in the heart instead of abdomen, oh well its fine, she still can twist up plan 4 a bit.

"Kisaki Tetta, 13 years old, had been entering the delinquent world not so long ago. He is affiliated with Moebius but there are some internal conflict between him and Osanai. Since that he hasn't being affiliated to any gang, or so they said"

A vague truth is still a truth. Baji Keisuke who had beaten Osanai for information should have known about this, indicating that Kokoro had been saying the truth. An effect of trust was build because of the truth spoken
And this is what Kokoro wants

"Well, Baji-san three question had been asked from you. But I don't have anything to ask for my third question aside from the future contact if you wish" Kokoro said with a sweet smile decorating her face.

The long-haired-boy nodded, "Well, let's finish the food then!"

Then they dive in to finish their food before bidding each other goodbye (or more like a one sided good bye from Kokoro and a frown from Keisuke)


Time skip
Public Bath

Hanagaki Takemitchi had just being back from the present to twelve years ago. He doesn't even know a thing on why he had been in a public bath with Mikey and Draken

As he sees the both of them play-fight, he remembers that present Draken, who had been sentenced to death reminiscing the past.

"It will be fun if everyday is like this" the hero absent-mindedly said, causing the other two getting confuse.

But paying no mind to such things the boys drag Takemitchi with them to the inauguration of the third division captain-to subtitute Pah-chin who's currently in jail due to stabbing Osanai.

They arrived at the shrine where the member of Toman had been waiting for them.

"Third division captain, come foward!" Mikey with his authority voice calls. For a while Hanagaki had thought that it was him who he called.

But then two boys walk foward, the taller behind a shorter boy, who Takemitchi sure he had seen somewhere before.

'Who is he...' He tried to remember as the glasses boy sit infront of the leader, many people sees that as an act of disrespect and starts questioning it.

"LISTEN YOU, THE PEOPLE WHO SIT BEHIND ME IS KISAKI TETTA, THE NEW THIRD DIVISION CAPTAIN!" Shout the tall boy, and Hanagaki Takemitchi starts his war flashback,

"I'm scared of Kisaki"
"I will kill Kisaki"
"Everything is because of Kisaki"

His internal conflict grew as he thinks on what he shall do next, while the other Toman members shows their displeasure with Kisaki's appearance, remembering he is am ex-Moebius member.

"SHUT IT, IT'S MIKEY'S DECISION. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT GET HERE!" Draken shuts the member before Mikey told them about Vallhala, a new gang that will be a threat to Toman, and that Kisaki can help them with Moebius's strenght. And then Mikey disperse them.

But before the leader and vice-leader leave the shrine, Hanagaki Takemitchi punch Kisaki Tetta on the face.

Then chaos ensues.
In short, the blond time-leaper almost being beaten by the gang members before Baji Keisuke, the first division captain punch Takemitchi, repeatedly.
Then he announce that he will join Vallhala and that he is an enemy of Toman, leaving the shrine.
Next thing that Takemitchi knows is that he fainted because Kisaki punch him back in the face.

When Takemitchi wakes up tho, he sees Mikey solemnly reminscing his past, with his childhood buddy, Baji Keisuke, and then he tell Takemitchi that the 5 of them had build Toman, and that he wants the boy to bring back the first division captain to him.

In short (or not so short) Takemitchi had moved a step towards his goal, he had become Toman members (oh and he also learned that Mikey lied, there aren't just five founders of Toman, but that's a story for another chapter)


Kokoro's Apartment

As soon as the meetings ended, Kisaki Tetta goes to Kokoro's apartment, knocking twice before he comes in and seeing that Hanma and Asahi is binge watching movies with so many snacks around them, why are his people like this again?

"Oh? Kisaki! You're just in time! We are starting another series, c'mere join us" Hanma enthusiasticly said

"Not the time Shuji"" Kokoro chidded, "Well Tetta-kun, you look worse today!"

Kisaki sigh once again at their ecentric antics, he had given up the word crazy since they always "correct" his word use until his internal thoughts correct itself

"Don't start, Asahi" he reminded, "How's Hanemiya?"

"Have been asking him to assist us in Vallhala, he agrees, Yey!" Hanma says happily as he opened up a new bag of chip

"Good he will lead Baji to Vallhala," Kisaki smiled as he fixed his glasses, "everything will goes my way"

"You mean our way? Even if the name is "Tetta's plan book", it's idea is also from me" Kokoro whines and Kisaki just nod, then Kokoro ask Mika to put some medecine to Kisaki's face as it starts to swollen, then the three of them binge watch their series (ofcourse after some more convincing the can't have fun Kisaki Tetta) until morning.

"Hey," Kisaki says as he pause their movies -it's three a.m.- and the other two was already asleep, "We are a great team"

He finally admitted it out loud to the already asleep duo. (He doesn't want to admit it infront of them tho, Hanma will teased him relentlessly and Asahi, she will make weirded out expression at his confession) A̶n̶d̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶s̶c̶a̶r̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶y̶ ̶w̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶l̶e̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶h̶i̶m̶

The Reaper, Hanma Shuji as their fighter
The Pierrot, Kisaki Tetta himself as the duo's entertainment
The Puppeteer, Asahi Kokoro as the puppet master

Even if he still can't admit it out loud, he knows that deep in his heart, he treasure his friends.


To be continue

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