: ̗̀➛Chapter 13

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Chapter 13*Black Dragon

Year: 2005

A tall big man, a pretty blond man, and Kokonoi Hajime is sitting in the tall man's living room's sofa. They are discussing something, and for a middle schoolers, they look like a gangster.

"And a frail girl like that is supposed to help us? How?" the tall man, Taiju asks with doubt to his treasurer, Kokonoi.
"Don't worry bout that boss, have known her for years, she's good at making money" Kokonoi just grin at his boss, while Inupi, the pretty one, makes a comment,
"Uh, anyone will be if their father is an influental people?"

"Shush! We don't talk bout her father" the black hair boy worriedly says, as if giving a warning
"Why not?" The other two asks with curiousity
"Just don't, if you still want to be alive ofc" he answers with a chuckle, leaving the two with more confusion

"Well, then where is she?" The boss asks Kokonoi, making the boy glancing at his watch, "She will come in within another minute"
As if a cue, a knock can be heard, Inupi opens the door, seing the girl

"Well, good afternoon, Black Dragons!" She says cheerfully, "Are you purposefully trying to make me late, Kokonoi?" At that Kokonoi realize that they forgot to tell their members about the girl, seeing that one of the member is tailing her, as if they don't believe her, they don't.

"Ah, yes, my bad, Asahi" he chuckle, letting the girl sit, and dismissing the member. "Well boss, this is Asahi Kokoro, my partner," he gestures, and she smile with a nod.
"And this is Shiba Taiju, the 10th Black Dragon's leader, Inupi, the second in command"

"Nice to meet you guys, I help Kokonoi on money matters, and in extention, the Black Dragons" Taiju nod, still sceptic.
"Well, uh Asahi, as you know, I'm trying to bring the gang into a bigger matter, which involves money"

Asahi nod, "Don't worry, Shiba-san, as Kokonoi's partner I will help you, I bet you have known the things I ask fot exchange?" Taiju nodded, "Well, leave it to me than, I will let you guys know if someone wants to higher people for that kind of 'job',"

"Before that," Taiju cuts, "Can you proves that you have worth to be given what you are needed?" Kokoro tilts her head' "I will even gave you the man power you need, now if you can gives us a job now, if not than forget it"

Kokonoi's heart almost stops, but Kokoro calmly took out he phone, pressing numbers, "Mika?" She says, "Send me the thing to Kokonoi's device, please" And in an instant, the Black Dragons were hired with so many jobs

"Pick one you would like, Shiba-san. Every clients have different reasons, but one goals, to beat people up, you do you" she says, smiling oh so happily, leaving the two boys in shocked and Kokonoi in proud, ofcourse she already prepare things!
Then the girls takes her leaves

"See boss? I told you she is trusted in this matter," Taiju nod, and ask his two underlings too start dealing with their job, while he goes to the minimarket, wondering where his two younger siblings go.

Kokoro's Apartment

"Now I will be just letting everything unfold by themselves," Kokoro hums as she eats her dinner, Hanma sitted across her, "Well that's one way to get what's lack on Kisaki's plan"

"Yepp! Well how did you do lately, Shuji?" the brunette glance at him, and he just chuckle, "Nothing new, nothing new," she hummed, feeling a little weirded out by the lanky boy's responses, even if there are nothing at all, the boy always has had a story to tell, to share and to laugh together for, a nothing new sounds weird.

"Anyway, what about your father? Had he calmed down?" Kokoro stops eating for a while, then nodded, "Certainly, not forcing me to go to any events soon, should be free for a while"

"That's good! Do you wanna hang out tomorrow?" Such a long time they didn't spen the time together!
"After school? Ofcourse" she excitedly replied.
"Oh wait, I think I can't tomorrow, what about the next day?" He frowns lightly
"Alright, whatever suits you, Shuji, but what's your deal?" Kokoro asks in confusion
"Nothin big, just a thing or two I need to do. I will pick you up at the usual spot," he says standing up
"See you, Ko. Good night," The lanky boy patted her head
"Good night, Shuji" she smiles at him

Then Hanma left Kokoro's apartment, as soon as he did, Kokoro pull out her phone.

Tachibana Hinata

Good evening, Tachibana-san!
May I asked you a question?

Good Afternoon, too
Of course you can,

Do you by any chance, know
Hanagaki Takemitchi? He goes
to the same school as you.

Oh! He is my boyfriend,
Asahi-chan! Why?

So, my friend is in Toman,
and I know that Hanagaki-san
is in the gang too. I planned
to meet my friend tomorrow,
but he says that he has an
activity tomorrow

Can you please asked
Hanagaki-san, what's their
activity is?

Will do!

Thankyou, Tachibana-san!

Kokoro's POV

This should have reveal what the two had been doing behind me. I never expect that Shuji will partnered up with Tetta-kun so soon. To think that he keeps a secret from me...
That Kisaki Tetta, if he dangers Shuji, I will make sure to get rid of him

A chat notif's cut my thoughts, Tachibana confirm that the gang has had a meeting because Black Dragon had been beating up her boyfriend, not exactly what I'm looking for, but it's okay, I can also uses this against Kokonoi.

"Next up, Black Dragons versus Toman," this will be another fun fight, but I need to keep this for myself before knowing what Kisaki's been planning in my absence.

"How dare a Pierrot plan something against the Puppeteer? He is but another Puppet"

To be continue

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