The Woman in Charge | Colby Brock

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Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, dominant!Reader, submissive!Colby, teasing, choking, hair pulling, filth

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Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, dominant!Reader, submissive!Colby, teasing, choking, hair pulling, filth



It's been a little over an hour since you returned home with Colby from their investigation. Your mind couldn't stop replaying Colby laying on the bed, his black and white striped shirt moving up his abdomen as he slides down.

He was hot.

You wanted him now, but you wanted him in a different way..

Your thumb and cheek grip either side of his mouth,

"Didn't we agree that I'm in charge, here?"

Colby smirks and turns his head to take your thumb between his lips. You watch in awe as he sucks, but you blink, snapping out of your gaze,


You pull your thumb from his mouth and give his cheek a light smack, "Do you want me to touch you?" You lean in, lips brushing over Colby's jaw line, "Do you want me to put your aching cock into my mouth?"

"You're killin' me, baby." Colby whines out, "Fuck."

You laugh slightly, "All you gotta do is listen to me and you'll get what you want a little sooner." You nip his ear and kiss down his neck, biting and sucking little hickey into his skin.

You feel his muscles tense up as you continue the trail over his abdomen, making your way to his hips.

You pull his boxers down slightly and resume marking his skin. You hear little groans and grunts coming from Colby as your chin brushes over his cock in his boxers.

"All you have to do is answer my questions.." you crawl up his body, your lips meeting his neck, "..and you'll get what you want a little sooner."

You lean in, kissing down his neck as you grind your hips down to meet his aching bulge, dragging a moan from his lips.

"Do you want me to touch you, daddy?" You lean back, tilt your head as you look at him to give him a pouty face, "I'll do it if you ask nicely."

You shoot him a grin and he leans forward, continuing to obey your, no touching rule.

He gets inches from your face and smiles, "I want you to gag on my dick, princess."

You wanted to fold and just let him fuck you, but you loved being the dominant one for once.

"All you had to do is say." You tease with a smirk. You lean back, kissing down his body again. You slip your fingers into the band of his boxers, "You're still not allowed to touch me."


Thank you so much for reading! Ilysm! As always don't forget to tell me what you thought of it! 🖤

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