Chapter 3

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Clyde stood outside the hotel with a light cigar in his mouth as he watched chaos ensue. Just then a massage explosion happened. Clyde looks up to see Sir Pentious. " Show yourself Alasssstor." Pentious says. Clyde extinguishes his cigar disappearing in a cloud of smoke not wanting to deal with the idiot snake. 

Clyde appeared in his room at the hotel. He walked over to his balcony and took a seat lighting another cigar as he listens on to what's going on inside incase he needs to make a appearance. Clyde takes out his phone turning it back on. As soon as his phone was turned back on a spew of notifications came through. Most were either messages or missed calls from Lucifer. Though there were some from some acquaintances of his. Though on message caught his attention. Scrolling through his contacts he presses the person who had called him. 

~ring ring~

After two rings they answered the phone.

"Hello Carmilla, you messaged me?" Clyde says wondering why Carmilla had messaged him 'Call me Immediately after you see this'.

"Yes Clyde I need to speak with you about something important and the girls miss you. Can you come over now? Carmilla's Spanish accent comes through the phone. A small smile graces Clyde's as he takes a drag of his cigar. "Did you get any new weapons?" Clyde asks as red smoke flows out of his mouth as he speaks. 

"Clyde" Carmilla says a slight uneasiness in her voice causing Clyde to sit up straight. "Milla is everything all right? Is something wrong with the girls?" Clyde asks. "No it's not the girls but it's important can you come over?" Carmilla asks again. "Yes, I'm on my way just give me a few minutes." Clyde says. Carmilla says goodbye before hanging up. Clyde turns into smoke before flying down into the hotel main room.

"Charlie I need to step out for a bit call me if anything happens." Clyde says as he materializes next her scaring  Vaggie in the process. "Ok, is everything ok?" Charlie asks worried. "Yes, just a ... a friend of mines need my help. I will be back later." Clyde says before leaving in a cloud of black smoke. 

Clyde materializes at Carmilla's place. He fixes his tie before walking towards where Carmilla is. "Carmilla" Clyde says as he walks in. Carmilla sits in her chair her head in her hands. Odette and Clara on each side if her. "Girls how have you been?" Clyde asks as the two girls walk over to him hugging him briefly. "We're good." Odette says smiling softly. 

"Clyde we need to speak. Girls can you go check on the weapons please." Carmilla says. Both girls nod before leaving. "What wrong?" Clyde asks taking a seat in a chair near her desk. 

"It's better you hear this from me. About what happen at the last extermination." Carmilla says catching Clyde's attention. 

Clyde arrives back at the hotel later that night. As soon as he walks in he hear Charlie and Sir Pentious singing about saying sorry. He walks straight to Husk at the bar. Husk slides him a glass full of whiskey silently. "I heard Alastor and Vox's little singing battle." Clyde says as he drinks the whiskey. "Yeah and now Charlie and that snake guy are singing about saying sorry or some bullshit." Husk says as he continues  cleaning the glasses. "Ok, thanks for the drink I'm heading up. See you tomorrow." Clyde says placing some money down and heading to his room to go to sleep or read. 

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This chapter is kind of all over the place so I apologize  for  that. I didn't really know what to do for this episode. What do you think is Clyde's and Carmilla's relationship?

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