⚠️ Chapter 6 ⚠️

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~This Chapter will Have Smut~ YOU HAVE BEEN WARN

"Tell me what happen between you and my dad" 

Clyde sits on his chair and smokes a cigar. Charlie sits across from him staring at him intently. "Clyde." She asks causing him to look at her. 

"Me and you're father were friends. He trusted. Trusted me so much that I was hired as your bodyguard when you were younger." Clyde begins. "The problems started when he began to ignore me and lashed out at me for seemingly no reason. It all came to a head when I was helping you're mother out with something and he accused me of trying to sleep with her." Clyde takes a long drag after he said that as Charlie thinks over what he just said. 

"But you didn't want to... right?" Charlie asked looking at the shadow demon.

"Of course not. I may be a Demon Overlord. But I'm not a complete monster. Plus your mother wasn't really my type" He answers. 

"Ok continue. The night when you two stopped being friends " Charlie says. 

"To put it into simple terms we got drunk and fucked. He woke up regretted it and said somethings end of story." Clyde said. Charlie stared at Clyde blinking her eyes a couple time processing what he had just confessed.

"You... Two.... Fucked? EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I KNEW YOU TWO HAD SOMETHING TOGEHTER." Charlie squeals. Now it was time for Clyde to stare at Charlie. 

"Um, your not pissed?" Clyde asks Charlie looks at him with sparkles in her eyes.

"No. Why would I be mad that my dad found love after mom left him? Wait did this happen during there relationship or after?" Charlie asked 

"After..." He answers still confused on Charlie's reaction.

"So my dad and his best friend have feelings for each other. You two got drunk acted on those feelings. And in the morning he panicked and left." Charlie reestablish what was just told to her.

"Umm, no just two friends one had feeling the other was lonley and stuff happen." Clyde explains.

"Wait so you have feelings for my dad. Great! You may become my step-dad. I give you permission to go after him good night sleep tight." Charlie says and leaves before Clyde could correct her.  

Clyde sits back on his chair lighting another cigar as he thinks back to the night everything changed. 

~Flash Back~ 

Clyde who was dressed in a black robe was sitting in his apartment smoking a cigar as he read a book that his daughters had gotten him as a gift. When he was interrupted by a knock at his door. Clyde stood up and made his way to his door opening it he looked down to see the king of hell himself. Lucifer... He was standing there looking every where but at Clyde as he shyly held up a bottle of alcohol with a shy smile. 

"Lucifer, what are you doing here?" Clyde asks. Lucifer hearing Clyde's deep voice blushes sightly before coughing and speaking. 

"I need a friend to talk to... an-and I thought how about Clyde." Lucifer says chuckling a bit.

"Come in." Clyde says sighing and allowing the short king in. Lucifer smiles gratefully at the large demon skipping in a throwing himself down on Clyde's couch. Clyde is in follow about to take a seat across from Lucifer only for slim fingers to wrap around his wrist and pulls him onto the couch next to Lucifer. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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