32| You Owe Me

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Past Vanessa's POV 

"Micheal, you know that you owe your life to me, right?" I whispered. "I'm the reason you're still alive."

"Well I don't want to be alive, Vanessa," he sneered. "I did what I did for a reason. I didn't want to be saved, it wasn't for attention."

"Well, your death got attention all right. Your name is everywhere right now!"

"Well that's great," he said, sarcastically. 

"I'll kick you if you give me that attitude."

"You sound like my mom," he began. "I hate her and I hate you."

"I guess there's a lot more to you than I thought."

"You only know the image I created for myself, not the real one."

"Oh, you're such a poet."

"I guess Asher taught me a lot of things before him and I stopped being friends."

"The lead singer of 'Cheer Up?' What did he do to you?"

"He and you are no different from each other besides the fact that you were willing to risk higher measures."

"So Asher also liked you, huh?"

"I don't even want to talk to you."

"No, hey, tell me why you did what you did."

"Oh just shut up, Vanessa!" He exclaimed. "You're just trying to guilt trip me into thinking that you're some amazing person."

"Did you really want to leave Marc? Honestly, I did you a favour."

He had this look of defeat on his face as he looked down at the floor. "In some sort of sense, thanks, I guess. I don't regret doing what I did, though. I just regret not doing it sooner."

He looked so adorable when he was being vulnerable. I wanted to kiss him so badly. "I love you more than anyone else does."

"Love and lust are too different things. Also, how did you know about Marc and I."

"You're asking too many questions. I'm going to leave you alone with your thoughts for a little bit."

The truth is, I knew since elementary school. I knew that Marc was in love with him, but I really didn't want to believe that Micheal liked him back. Micheal should've loved me instead, not some Hispanic boy that looked like he barely went outside.

I was on a late night stroll the night the night I saved I saved him. At first, I was really confused. I thought he was maybe feeding the fish or something but it caught me off guard when I noticed his shoes were off. After I found him in the river, I pulled him out and assured him that he'd be okay. I mean, of course he'd be okay in my arms. He didn't say anything at first. His eyes were open, but they looked lifeless and dull.

I remember asking him, "Are you alright?" And he responded with, "Now that you're here, things are ten times worse."

He didn't mean that, though. He was probably just mad at the world and he was taking it out on me.

"Micheal, are you mad at me?" I asked.

"Mad at you? I hate you. You can go and—Never mind I sound like Marc when he's mad at some video game."

"I care about you more than him. I'd never yell at you or hurt you."

"What? He never did anything like that, you're twisting my words." He said, showing me his rope burns. "You're a liar and a hypocrite."

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