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Nancy couldn't figure out the connection between the Red Dragon and Emma except for them being father and daughter. But, this wasn't the worst of her problems.

She still had to stop them from finishing the bomb so she started to remember the first day she met Emma. "She moved here from New Jersey so her mom was probably trying to hide her or get her away from her dad. And her father is making a chemical bomb, but what for?"

Nancy was drowning in her thoughts and just decided to focus on stopping the construction of the bomb. She started to put on her costume when her phone went off. She saw that it was Emma calling so she picked up.

"Hey Nancy, can I sleep over at your house tonight?"

Nancy with her costume fully on said "Sorry, We're really busy right now like there's construction going on and stuff but you can come over tomorrow."

"Oh, they'll barely know I'm there. My mom's also not home right now so I'm alone."

Nancy hated lying and when she heard that Emma's mother wasn't home she knew she wasn't safe so she said "Emma I was lying, you might be able to come over, my mom doesn't really let people come over so I'll ask."

Nancy took her costume off and put her regular clothes back on.

"Hey, mom can Emma over tonight?"

"Nancy, it's a school night, why would she wanna sleep over on a school night."

"Her mom isn't home and won't be back until tomorrow evening and she doesn't feel safe there so I invited her over."

"Fine, she can stay the night, just don't do anything stupid."

"Thanks, mom" said Nancy who was now smiling.

Nancy went back upstairs and texted Emma

"My mom said you can stay the night" -Nancy

"Cool, I'm coming over right now" -Emma

Ding dong,  The sound of the doorbell startled Nancy but she knew it was Emma.

"I got it!" Said Nancy as she went downstairs to opened the door.

"Hey, Nance. Can I call you Nance, I just feel like it's easier to say Nance" said Emma with a tone of nervousness

"Sure so-"

"You must be Emma, Nancy has told me a lot about you." Said Nancy's mother cutting her off.

"Oh, Hi Ms. Young, Nancy told me a lot about you to."

"I'm sure she did. Well make yourself at home, and remember I'll be in my room if you guys need anything."

"Thanks mom" said Nancy as she started towards the stairs with Emma following.

Nancy knowing she forgot to put her costume away told Emma "Hold on I have to clean something in my room real quick."

"Uh, okay" said Emma

Nancy went into her room an rushed to put the costume away and she decided to put it under her bed so she could grab it when she had to go patrol.

It was now 8 o'clock, Nancy and Emma were now watching a TV show and Nancy decided to order Pizza because she was hungry and she also needed an excuse to leave so she could go on patrol.

"Emma I'm bout to order a Pizza, you want anything on it other than pepperoni?"

"Pepperoni's fine" said Emma

"Alright, I'll be back in like 20 minutes" said Nancy

When Emma wasn't looking Nancy grabbed her costume and did her best to hide it when she exited her room.

"Okay so I said 20 minutes, that means I have 15 to patrol."

Nancy decided to check Emma's house just in case the red dragons were there. When she there she was surprised to actually see them there. There were only 4 men so it would be easy for her to take them out.

There was 1 on the second floor 1 on the 1st and 2 in the basement. She entered the house through a window in Emma's room. She had never been in Emma's room until now so she was partially surprised by the picture of Emma and her dad.

She heard footsteps so she quickly hid behind the door.

"This is definitely gonna get me caught"

The thug opened the door and to Nancy's surprise he didn't look behind it. So she slightly closed the door and took him out.

When she reached the 1st floor she found a cord and tied the 2nd thug up after knocking him out. While she was on the first floor she looked around and found a picture of Emma and her mom with a man who could be Emma's dad. Then she went down to the basement and found the 2 thugs who were stuffing their duffels.

She grabbed tape and used her superspeed to tape up one thug's mouth then drag him into the darkness. Then, when the other man went to investigate, she walked out of the shadows staring at him causing him to back up and scream for help but the other men were down.

"Y-You not so scary lady" said the thug who was now shaking with fear.

Then, Celerity ripped a piece off of a wood plank and pointed it at the man saying "Oh yeah? How about I stab you with this piece of wood. Or you tell me what you guys were doing here."

"You think I'll tell you" said the thug trying to hide his fear.

Celerity, knowing he was scared said "I can sense your fear. I know you'll tell me. And if you don't I'll have fun with the first option.

Celerity walking towards the thug with the plank now almost touching his chest. The thug eventually said fine "The boss wanted us to steal some of his old stuff from his wife. That's all I swear."

Celerity pushed the plank towards his chin knowing that wasn't everything. "And what were those things" said Celerity

The thug said "He also wanted us to kidnap his daughter and bring her to him, I swear that all I know. Nothing else."

"You did the right thing but unfortunately you still need to be arrested." Said Celerity as she quickly grabbed the mans phone.

She made the man call the cops to the house and get himself and his crew arrested.

"Shit. The pizza"

Nancy took off her suit on a random rooftop and stuffed it in a bag. She went to the pizza place to pickup the pizza and she also got a bottle of Sprite.

When Nancy got home she was 10 minutes late and Emma said "Where'd you go?"

"I got Pizza Hut since it was the closest but I went to the corner store first and got a Sprite but then me and the cashier started talking about the eclipse and other people started joining the conversation and I lost track of time" said Nancy.

"Oh, well you watching the eclipse with anyone?" said Emma

"Just my mom" said Nancy

Then Emma said "Can I watch it with y'all?"

"Sure, you have the glasses right?"

"Yeah" said Emma

Then, they went back to watching TV and they ate all 4 slices of the pizza that Nancy bought.

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