Father, Are You There?

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"LEAVE, at once!" the king yelled to the guards and servants. They all bowed and left. Princess Lotus-Eloise was sobbing uncontrollably, as she tried to process the events that had just unfolded before her eyes. The king's face was a mask of anger and disappointment as he looked upon his daughter.
"Lotus-Eloise, what have you done?" King Florence's voice was cold, his words cutting through the silence of the night. "You have disobeyed me, defied my wishes, and brought shame upon our family. You will pay the price for your actions."
"Father, I beg of you, spare his life! He's innocent, I swear it." Princess Lotus-Eloise pleaded
"My dear daughter, the law is clear. He has been found guilty of treason." he said unbothered
"Treason? All he did was love me! He was only acting out of love for me! Please, find it in your heart to forgive him." she pleaded
"I understand your pain, but my duty as king cannot be swayed by personal feelings. His fate is sealed." he said "But know that I must do what is best for the kingdom, even if it means sacrificing your happiness for duty."

"You speak of duty, Father, but what of compassion? Is there no room for mercy in your heart?" she cried
"Compassion cannot always outweigh justice, my dear. His actions endangered the kingdom,"
"Endangered? It was just love." she said "But what of the love we share? Is it to count for nothing? Would you see it shattered by your decree?" Lotus asked
"Love cannot always conquer all, it is a lie." the king said
"I cannot accept this! I will not stand by while the man I love is unjustly condemned. If you will not save him, then I shall find a way to do so myself!." she yelled "Father, if you proceed with this unjust act, know that I will never marry the knight you've chosen for me. My heart belongs to another, and I cannot forsake him, even if it means living a life of solitude." King Florence laughed "My daughter, my decision stands firm. The stability of the kingdom must not be compromised, even for matters of the heart."
"Then so be it, Father. I shall remain true to my love, even if it means defying you. But mark my words, the consequences of this injustice will echo through the halls of our kingdom for generations to come."
Princess Lotus-Eloise gazed into her father's eyes, hoping to find the loving, compassionate king she had always known. But instead, she saw only anger and determination. It was as if a shadow had passed over his face, obscuring the warmth and kindness that once resided there. "Enough of this madness, Lotus-Eloise! You are a princess of this kingdom, and you will act like one. It is your duty to abide by the laws of the land, not to defy them for your own selfish desires!" He yelled his word echoing over and over. Princess Lotus-Eloise took a deep breath, steeling herself for the difficult conversation ahead.

"Father," she began, her voice trembling slightly, "I don't know who you are anymore. The man standing before me, consumed by anger and duty, is a stranger to me. It is breaking my heart."
King Florence's expression softened, a flicker of sadness crossing his features before he regained his composure.
"I am your King and you will obey me!"
Tears welled up in Lotus-Eloise's eyes as she struggled to hold back her emotions.
"And i am your daughter! Have you known no compassion for me?!" Princess Lotus-Eloise's voice quivered with emotion as she confronted her father, her words laced with desperation.
"I know you have obligations, Father, but at what cost? Our bond, our love... it feels like it's slipping away with each passing moment." King Florence remained resolute, his expression unyielding despite the tears streaming down his daughter's cheeks. "Lotus-Eloise, I am the king first and foremost. My duty is to uphold the law and maintain order in the kingdom." The princess's cries grew louder, her heartache echoing through the chamber. "But at what cost, Father? Can't you see that our love, our family, is worth more than any law? You're tearing us apart!" King Florence's voice remained steady, though his eyes betrayed a hint of sorrow. "SILENCE! You are a Princess! I am your King! You will obey and you will obey the law!" His words loud and clear. Lotus-Eloise got the message. That's not her father. Princess Lotus-Eloise collapsed to her knees, her sobs echoing off the stone walls. In that moment, she realized that the man she had looked up to all her life was willing to sacrifice everything, for the sake of duty. And it broke her heart in ways she never thought possible. Her cries echoing through the chamber, King Florence's heart clenched with a mixture of anguish and resolve. He stood silently for a moment, his gaze lingering on his daughter's huddled form, before turning away, his footsteps heavy as he made his way towards the door. With each step, the weight of his decision bore down on him like a leaden cloak. Each step was a hammer to the coffin of their bond. He couldn't bear to witness the devastation he had wrought upon his own flesh and blood. Yet, even as he retreated from the chamber, a part of him remained haunted by the anguished cries of his daughter, a constant reminder of the sacrifices demanded by his crown. And as he disappeared from view, a solitary tear glistened in the corner of his eye, a silent testament to the price of duty paid in the currency of love.

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