The Last Letter

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My Dearest Ambrose,

As I write these words, my heart weighs heavy with sorrow and regret. I can no longer bear the burden of the emptiness that consumes me, nor the charade of a life that we lead together. Know that it is not your fault, nor is it mine. Our union was forged in duty, not love, and for that, I cannot fault you. But my heart belongs to another, a love lost to the cruel hands of fate, and I can no longer deny the truth that burns within me. I have made the decision to seek rest in the Mirror Forest, where the echoes of our past may finally find peace. There, I will bid farewell to this world and reunite with the one who holds my heart. I ask only for your forgiveness and your understanding. May you find peace in the days to come, and may the memories of our time together bring you peace in the darkness.

To my dearest sons Ambrose and Elis, As I pen these words, tears stain the parchment, for I fear it may be the last I shall write to you. My beloved sons, know that you are the greatest treasures of my heart. In the years to come, you may hear whispers of my fate, of a journey into the Mirror Forest from which I may never return. But fear not, my darlings, for I go with a heart full of love and a soul at peace, knowing that you will carry on my legacy with grace and dignity. Ambrose, my eldest son, know that you possess the strength and courage of your namesake. You are destined for greatness, my boy, and I have no doubt that you will one day rule this kingdom with wisdom and compassion. And Elis, my sweet child, with your gentle spirit and kind heart, you have the power to change the world for the better. Never lose sight of the goodness within you, for it is your greatest gift to the world. Farewell, my precious sons. May your lives be filled with love, joy, and endless possibilities.

With all my love, L.E.A.F

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