Beginning of the culling games

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Sorry for the super long wait idk why what's been going on with my I just like don't have the energy then have the energy it's like a off and on type thing but imma try and post more chapters more frequently also I did release a new demon slayer book if yall want to read it but yall don't gotta if yall want to anyways enough of my yapping lets get into the new chapter!!!
As a couple of silent footsteps could be heard walking past those same building those same places he remember all to well as y/n kept taking more footsteps his shoe making contact with the wet ground as fog would slightly fill the place with the rain hitting his body wetting his hair before entering that same private hospital that brought him memories before walking in moving his hair into a slick back as he saw Ann sitting there working on the computer Ann could feel the sinister presence of y/n this wasn't the y/n she always new it was like a entirely new presence.

Y/n: "Hey Ann been awhile hasn't it been waiting to get back here for a while to get back what's rightfully mine."

As Ann looked in fear and shock was he trying to threaten her for her healing shinkigami the one that saved his own life he was gonna steal it.

Ann: " Y/n this isn't you, who are you, I know you have done bad things but tryna kill me now you've crossed the line!"

As she summoned her shinkigami ready to fight we suddenly switched perspectives to kenjaku.

Kenjaku: "Well the plan for the culling games is coming along quite great once everyone gets into positions the plan will go alone smoothly."

As kenjaku smiled as uraume would be standing atop of staring looking at a pool of black water waiting just watching as we switch back to y/n and Ann with y/n exciting the hospital blood dripping from his hands as specks of blood would be all over his attire with the newly acquired shinkigami as it would slowly pane inside the hospital the corpse of Ann laid onto the counter her arm snapped backwards blood dripping out of her mouth and eyes and nose as hand imprints around her neck meaning she was strangled not only that scars filled all over her back indicate max physical pain indented into her back as y/n simply walked away.

Y/n: "She really thought she could keep the gift I gave her not as bright as I thought she would be."

As he walked away the pov switched back to uraume as she finally witness y/n exit the black pool of water all of his scars visible before yanking the robes out of uraume hands as she looked pissed as kenjaku walked up patting y/n back.

Kenjaku: "Good job getting your shinkigami back could prove quite useful for us in the future."

Y/n: "Yeah yeah I know. So how's the culling games gonna work hmmm? You've already started it yes?"

Kenjaku: "Yes it should be starting soon maybe by tomorrow it should be in full affect everyone should be awake even her."

As y/n turned to kenjaku staring before signing he knew if she was in here it wasn't going to be good she would most definitely be all over him.

Y/n: "You really hate me sometimes don't you?"

As kenjaku slightly laughed putting his hand on his shoulder before walking forward.

Kenjaku: " Well if I didn't you wouldn't be Able to get back to full power just like back then she holds the rest of your power doesn't she?"

Y/n: " Yeah I guess thats true I do need my old curse techniques back but she's gonna be super annoying but whatever."

As y/n and kenjaku kept walking and talking with uruame listening in on their conversation as y/n chuckled.

Y/n:"So then that's the play isn't it quite good to be honest with you but it seems like it could have some flaws." "I won't lie this body the host is still fighting me it's kinda pissing me off."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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