{ C H A P T E R 06 }

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Aarna's POV

"Then all the rabits started living there life happily and by this story we learn that no matter how bad is our condition, no matters how alone we are even in the crowd of knowing people, no matter how broken we are but we shouldn't lose hope at any cost because hope is everything. We can live without breath for four minutes but we can't live without hope even for a second so we shouldn't lose hope.

A beautiful morning will always come after a dark night i said near Rayn's ear who is half sleeping.

I placed the story book on the side table and caressed his soft hairs.

"I missed you sis now don't ever leave me" he said in his sleepy voice.


I put blanket above him. I had to came here like this. I said in my breath and got off the bed.

I came down stairs for eating something. I am really hungry and want something delicious for eating. It's 12am and so I can't wake up our house maids but i know how to cook. Not much food but I know some little and I'm glad I can fulfill my stomach wishes.

I saw lights of my dad's office is still on. Dad is an early person. He loves to sleep early and wake up early. What is he doing in this late night. I changed my direction and now I'm going to my dad's office.

I entered in his office and found his working figure. He is working on his laptop. His hairs are messed and his eyes are showing that he need some rest.

"Dad" I called him softly and he saw me.

"Aarna..... princess what are u doing here go nd sleep" he said and I walked to him.

"What are u doing?" I asked as I saw laptop. It's his construction site and that building which was ruined.

"Tomorrow is hearing and I'm preparing for providing my innocence" he said and I can see pain. His eyes are showing pain.

"But you don't have to we have a lawyer right?" I said making him convince and he smiles in return.

"Yes i know princess I was just checking all this you don't know what will happen to me if I'm not proved innocent? We will be ruined all are company will sink"

"Don't worry everything will be all right" i said softly.

"Hmm....I hope so" he said and i smiled.

"Okey than go to sleep you look tired tomorrow is important day" i said while stutting laptop.

~next day


I'm tapping my legs on the floor my palms are cold and sweaty. My dad is just in front of me providing himself as innocent. The lawyer of both the sides are trying to defend their clients , one side is Mr oh and second side is government lawyer who is trying to prove my dad as murdere. I'm nervous if my dad will not vo proved innocent then what will happen to me? What will happen to our company? What will happen to us?. I breathe out and saw my dad.

Author's POV

Aarna is sitting just behind her family lawyer and seeing everything in hope. Yes hope, she can only calm herself by word hope. But she is unaware that someone far from her was watching every scenerio and smiling inside his million dollar mask.

Aarnik Warner. He was sitting on the last bench of the court and seeing everything in amazement like he was yearning for this moment. As time passes situation of Mr Russell is getting out of hands and his happiness is increasing.

Aarnik's POV

Finally the day has arrived everything is just like 8 years ago. This is called the chess game of time. I was one who was sitting in place of that girl (Aarna) and my dad was the one who was standing on the place of Mr Russell. Every fucking thing is same.

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