Sung Jin Woo || Behind The Mask

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Female Reader x Sung Jin Woo

"You look... good enough. Get rid of the accessories though-"
"I swear to God Jin Woo, I will choke you."
"...As we don't want to attract attention to your beauty."
"Oh. That's one weird way to flirt."


There was a stranger in the mirror. She had hair locks flowing from her shoulders, a fur coat covering her shoulders, a simple yet shiny necklace surrounding her throat, an elegant dress reaching out for the floor, and her eyes... Lit with passion and ambition.

As you twirled in your dress, you couldn't help but feel beautiful. No, even more beautiful than you already were. A smile crawled on your face.

You tucked your hair behind your ear. Squinted your e/c orbs, and bit your lower lip.
And for the cherry on top, you finger gunned at your reflection.

"Yeah, that's the sexy lady." You thought. As you were about to start laughing, the door opened and Jin Woo's head popped out. "Hey, what are you doing in here for hours-" He was complaining until he saw your reflection.

Your face lit up like a candle. You quickly fixed your position and turned around.

A playful smirk ran on Jin Woo's face. "Ah, I see, your solution to find a boyfriend is by posing. Surely that pose will get you a lot of man." He said as he entered the dressing room.

Your eyes ran away from him. Firstly, he was hot as fu- That's not fair. Secondly, he was teasing you! How dare he.

"Oh, please, go duck yourself." You grumbled. He chuckled at your response as his eyes wondered around your body. "I suppose this outfit is... Adequate for a masquerade. Here's the mask." He said as he handed you a mask.

You found the courage to look at his direction and took the mask. You put it on and fixated it's position. You felt the embarrassment leaving your body slowly.

"Alright, I am ready." You said as you looked at Jin Woo. He was wearing a simple tuxedo and a black mask with a feather sticking out.

"I will shove that feather up his ass, I look beautiful af and he says it's "adequate". Gee!" A thought ran in your mind.

Jin Woo hummed and bent down to your head level. Your faces were a inch away from each other, you could feel his breezing breath.

You gulped as he cupped your chin and turned your head side to side. He hummed again as he fixed your hair and mask. "Better." He said as he straightened and turned on his heels to leave.


You two were ordered by President Go Gun-Hee for this mission. He was suspecting that Japanese would betray them, so you had to be sure. Jin Chul had taken care of the location of the secret file, but he couldn't open it and read it at the time.

As he had said: "The file was gray covered and it was written in red, "Korea Mission Plan". I am not quite sure what it was about. We have to be sure if they are going to betray us."

Now here you were, at a masquerade held by the Japanese clan, dancing, surrounded by many people.

The ballroom was gigantic, which gave you advantage. The chandeliers were hanging from the ceiling, lighting every corner of the ball room. The high tables were pushed aside to make space for dancing.

"According to our intel, the file must be at second floor, third door. You take care of the file as I charm people. Don't forget to put the replica." Jin Woo whispered in your ear as he danced with you.

"Ah right, because you are the right person to charm people." You mumbled as you swayed with him. An annoyed smile sat at Jin Woo's face.

He leaned towards your ear and whispered. "I will show you how much of a charm I am, but you better start moving."

You felt your cheeks burning. You couldn't let him see you like that, so you quickly changed your partner.

Your plan was to change partners enough to reach the stairs.

After a few minutes of dancing with strangers, you finally made it to the stairs. You quickly climbed up to the second floor.

As you reached the second floor, breathless, you looked around. It was a long corridor with several doors.

You groaned. "That idiot! He didn't tell me which way!" You grumbled as you turned to left side, going towards the third door. "I don't have much time either, the dance could end any minute and Jin Woo would have to charm people to distract them. So, for the sake of the people, I shall be fast." You thought as your lips curled upwards.

You went for the door knob and turned it, it was locked. You got a hairpin from your hair and tried to open the door the old way.

A few minutes of trying, the door opened. You let out a silent scream as you went in. You tried to sense things with your hands until your eyes adjusted to the darkness.

You felt a cold surface, it was made of iron. As you continued to feel the object, you realised that it was a desk.

Your hands went until the corner of the desk and went down from there. It had a drawer! You quickly opened the drawers and tried to feel what was inside. To your luck, your eyes had adjusted to the darkness.

You could make out the files in the drawer and a specific one on top of all files. It had a gray cover and a red writing on top. You took it out and walked towards the door. Using the glint, that escaped the door, you tried to read what was on it.

Yup. This was it. You took out the replica under your skirt and put it in the drawer. You hid the real document under your skirt and got out of the room, locking it behind you.

"This was way too easy. Is it some sort of a trap? Eh, not my business from this point on." A thought ran on your mind.

You mingled with the crowd again, they were still dancing. As you spotted Jin Woo, you tried to get to him but a man stopped you.

"Ey, beauty! *hic* What chu doin... Wastin your beauty? May I have *hic* this dance, mhm?~" The man slurred. He was clearly drunk and not your type.

A gentle smile sat on your face. "I am so sorry sir, but I have to get back to my partner." You said in a calm mannered way. If it wasn't for the masquerade, you would have punched him.

The man laughed and tried to wrap his arms around your waist, which made you want to gag. "I don't take a no, lady!" He said jokingly.

You looked at Jin Woo's direction again, which he was staring at you too. You mouthed the words "help me".

Jin Woo broke through the crowd and pushed off the man, his face lit up with cold anger. "Haven't you heard the lady, sir? A no is a no." Jin Woo said in a passive aggressive way.

Then he held the man by the arm and whispered something in his ear, which made the man look scared. He gave the man a little push and approached you.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he took you by hand. You sighed in relief. "Thanks, man." You mumbled.

As you two left the ball room, Jin Woo grabbed you by waist and pulled you over. "Be more careful in such missions. I can't let another man touch a single hair on your head." He whispered as his other hand cupped your chin.


Tee hee

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