Headcannons (Them as a BF/GF)

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Istg Solo Leveling does not give enough screen time for side characters. Such as Koto Ryujii, Liu Zhigang, Lennart Niermann, Kanae Tawata and so much more! They are either introduced and forgotten / degraded later or barely get an introduction.

Anyhoo, I have decided to make headcannons for characters. Feel free to disagree with them! Also I will write headcannons for specific characters, if you have a request go ahead.


Sung Jin Woo
-Kuudere. Definitely. (Basically outside they are cold, collected, smart but in private they show affection)

-If you have any problems, just go straight to him. Handled in two seconds.

-Big spoon, he likes to make you feel protected.

-He would have Igris or Beru in your shadow, basically someone strong. He would shift places with the shadow in case of an emergency, doesn't matter what he was doing at the moment.

-He would take you to see places, like places that has a nice view, and spend his free times with you there. He cares about you very much and will try to make free time for you.

-He isn't the type to get jealous easily. He trusts you. Though in rare moments, he might get jealous.

-He would be top and he would be gentle with you. Unless you'd want to go harsh.

Yoo Jin-Ho
-He would treat you like a queen / king you are! He would basically worship you.

-He would take you on little dates, whenever he has time.

-If he is having trouble at work, he would open up to you, vent and then he would feel a lot better. Though he wouldn't let that ruin your mood.

-In his free time, between work, he would think of you. That would give him determination to finish his work.

-He would rather be a small spoon. Though if you wanted to be the small, he wouldn't object.

-He could get jealous easily and he might imply it. After a while though, if he is still bothered, he would open up to you.

-Feel like he'd be a bottom. He likes gentle and I have doubts he'd like harsh.

Baek Yoon Ho(e)
-He is a gentle giant. He looks intimidating but he is actually sweet inside.

-He is definitely big spoon. He likes to feel like he is protecting you and make you feel protected.

-He might not have time for you, but he will try to make space no matter what. He wakes up early to make small gifts for you, a way to make it up to you.

-In between work, he would check in on you via calling. If he is busy, he would text you.

-He isn't easily jealous but not hardly neither. If you were to flirt jokingly with Choi Jong In, now he would be fuming with jealousy.

-He would like to give you cuddles and kisses over your face.

-Definitely top. He likes harsh and gentle. Up to his and your mood.

Choi Jong In
-He would flirt a lot. He likes seeing you flushed and confused, it is amusing for him.

-He wouldn't mind being a big or small spoon, it is up to your mood.

-He would take you on expensive dates, he thinks you deserve expensive things.

-I feel like he wouldn't get jealous easily. If he is jealous though, he would be really passive aggressive.

-He likes when you snuggle him, especially when it's winter. Because he would be able to warm you up and you would be really comfortable.

-On your birthdays, he would give you meaningful and high quality gifts. For an example, let's say on your first date a song about roses was playing. He would gift you a nice and chic rose bracelet or necklace.

-Switch. Probably likes harsh but wouldn't object the other way. (Gentle)

Woo Jinchul
-Kuudere, I would say. (Basically outside they are cold, collected, smart but in private they show affection)

-He is a workaholic but he would still try to be with you whenever he has time.

-He is such a gentlemen, really. He would open doors for you, pull your chair for you to sit and all. (Is this bare minimum-)

-He likes to kiss your forehead and your cheek.

-He would be a big spoon. No other way.

-He wouldn't get jealous. (I'd say)

-Top. He wouldn't mind harsh or gentle. Up to his and your mood.

Liu Zhigang
-He is definitely flirtatious. He likes seeing you all embarrassed and red.

-He would test you in a few ways, just for curiosity. Like he'd flirt with some people jokingly just to see your reaction. Though he wouldn't go far, and they'd be small things.

-He would send you gifts or surprise you in the morning by showing up. He likes to see the shock and happiness in your face.

-He is definitely big spoon.

-He isn't the type to get easily jealous but if he were to, he would hate it. He wouldn't be able to stand it.

-He likes to hug you from behind and snuzzle into your neck.

-Top. He likes harsh but would be gentle as well.


(I like how there is only one female here. I can't really tell other females personalities rn, but I will try to if there is any request)

Cha Hae In
-She would be a sweet girlfriend. She would hug you, show you affection and give you her attention.

-When she is at work, like in a dungeon, she would think of going home and being in your arms.

-She could easily get jealous and she'd be all red.

-She could be a big or small spoon. It is up to you.

-She would kiss your cheeks and mostly hug you. (A lot)

-She would check in on you whenever she has a chance.

BONUS: I feel like she would be flushed when you kiss her from her hands.

-Feel like she is a bottom. She loves gentle but would agree to harsh.

That's all for now.

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