Liu Zhigang || The Little Sniper

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Requested by @quiusquiuf

Srry that it took me 2 months to write this, I have finished the manga yesterday. 🥲


Liu Zhigang x Fem!Reader

"Oh, so you are the infamous little sniper I have heard. Didn't know she was a cutie."


"Ah don't be so shocked, maybe other hunters couldn't find you but I am different."


You grew up in a perilous neighborhood. Gun shots could be heard everyday, gangsters grouping up near stores and fights in the middle of the street. Your family was not so innocent either, so you were forced to live there. They would send you to get groceries and all, even though there is a high chance of being robbed or chased.

One of those days, as you headed to the store to get some milk and egg, one of the gangsters saw you. They had a wolf with them, not an ordinary one. It was bigger, scarier and more ferocious than a normal wolf. It was a monster of some sort. Who knows how they managed to have that.

You were only seven and they didn't have a nice intention. They looked at each other, all thinking the same, why not test the wolf?

Without even stepping into the market, they started to chase you. You ran and ran, you knew the streets like the back of your hand.

Though, from panic, you made a mistake and took a turn to a dead end street.

The gangsters and the wolf caught up to you quick, all having a grin plastered on them. They threw a gun at you, just to mock you. After all, ordinary guns did not apply to these monsters.

You grabbed it, hoping for it to save you. Knowing how to use a gun, you quickly checked the bullets and turned off the safety.

You pointed the gun as they let loose the wolf. You shot the wolf a few times. Shockingly, it died.

The gangsters' grins were erased. They were shocked and confused.

Using the opportunity, you ran past them with the gun.

When you arrived home, after being yelled at by your parents, you had time to look at the gun. It had weird symbols on it, could you have... powers? Powers that turned ordinary guns and weapons into magical ones? That can kill the monsters? Because that gun didn't have those symbols before, thus if they did why would they throw it at you?

From that day on, you secretly trained yourself with weapons. Guns, blades, knives... You hid your power, your family would have found a way to use that. Nah, you didn't want that.

When you were eighteen, you ran away from home. You stayed low, trying to understand the outside world.

Until you were twenty. From that year on, you decided to help hunters. You secretly went into the dungeons or sniped a few monsters that somehow managed to get out of the dungeons.

Hell, you even sniped a few in Jeju Island. Though that mission was quite dangerous and the reason why you became popular. You were now the Unknown Sniper.

The government or hunters associations tried to reach you, but you were afraid that you'd be used as a human factory. You wanted your own freedom, not obeying others or being used in some way. You had enough of that, anyway.

In one of your missions, you were in China. You heard China had some problems with efficiency of their hunters so you decided to help them out.

In the middle of Beijing, monsters were roaming. Somehow they managed to escape from an A level dungeon. It was dangerous since an ordinary S hunter wouldn't be able to take care of them alone.

You were in an odd looking building. It had cracks, spider webs, faint paint work... overall a shabby apartment. The apartments around it were nicer and newer.

Though its position was perfect to snipe these monsters. You could see the monsters, hide yourself and the best of all, the apartment had a lot of places to escape from.

While you were quickly sniping them, saving a lot of people, something went South.

As you had locked in on your last target, you felt a cold and sharp object under your chin. You raised your e/c (eye color) orbs upwards slowly.

A man stood beside you. He had his coal hue hair up in a ponytail, amber eyes, sharp features and a grin plastered on his face. From your peripheral vision, you could make his figure out. Fit and slim waisted.

You gulped as your heart raced, your palms sweat and a shiver went down your spine.

"Ah, so you are the infamous little sniper I had heard a lot. Didn't know you were such a cutie." He said with a honey like voice. You could listen to it all day.

You stayed silent as your mind raced, how can you flee from this situation?

"Don't be so shocked, darling." He continued. "I am not like the other hunters, let's say I am just... Better." He said as he gave you a wink.

He stopped for a moment, eyeing you. Observing your even slightest moments. When you gave him no reaction, he continued.

"The question is, darling." He said as he kneeled to your level, still holding the blade under your chin. "Why are you running away from the law? Wouldn't you like to become a high level hunter and help people that way? Get money and all. Not having to run away..." He said as he trailed off, as his grin turned into a soft smile.

You gave him a cold smile. "Nah, I'd rather die." You stated.

He raised his eyebrow as he withdrew his weapon. You knew you had no chance against this guy, not in this position at least.

"Well that is sad. How will I use this information then..." He mumbled to himself as his amber orbs switched to the cracked window. He frowned and brought his finger to his chin, rubbing it as a cloud of thought covered his eyes.

The last monster was down, hunters were now rushing around and helping injured ones.

You slowly withdrew your sniper rifle and put it in it's place. You were like a cat, eyeing your prey as you moved with agility.

You reached for your pocket knife but the hunter suddenly turned to you
Held your wrist, turning it upwards.

You let out a hiss as the knife fell onto the floor.

"Now now, why so aggressive?" He said, a smile appearing on his face again.

"How about this, darling. I keep our little secret and you go out with me?" He asked.

As you were going to say, "Well isn't it sad that you find a girlfriend by blackmailing.", your blood turned cold by shoutings.



A groan escaped your mouth. "Man..." You mumbled.

"Well then, what is your answer? Or I could drag you down there..." He said as he raised his one eyebrow.

"Go to hell." You growled. Though you didn't have much choice. That man, whoever he was, was different than other hunters.

"Fine. I will go out with you, even though I don't know your name. Just let me leave, you creep." You said as you let out a sigh.

Hunter hummed in approval.

"Liu Zhigang. And yours?"


Does this need a part 2 or..?

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