Sung Jin Woo || Silent Reaper

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Sung Jin Woo x Reader (gender doesn't matter here)

"I am sorry I used you that way, Y/N."

"... "

"I hate seeing you sad."


You were an S hunter and an assassin type. You weren't a national hunter but you were almost as strong as one. Almost. Though still your power was scary to most people, thus gaining the nickname "Silent Reaper". You had mixed feelings about the nickname but it didn't bother you much.

Guilds like White Tiger, Hunters and others wanted you. All of them seemed great but you just felt like you didn't belong to them. So you wanted some time to weigh your options.

To your luck, a new guild was opening. Ahjin Guild. One of your closest friends was opening it, Sung Jin Woo. You felt like it was the right guild for you.

You were now walking towards the building in your regular clothes. As you walked, people's faces turned to you, most of them looking shocked or happy. Since you didn't want to focus on other people, you let your mind busy you.

You tried not to think much of Jin Woo but your mind kept going back to him. Whenever you think of him; like how his stoic face softens when he sees you, how he smells, his features and all makes you blush uncontrollably. You definitely had a crush on him. Though you weren't sure if he felt the same about you...

Realizing, you were already in the building, you blinked a few times. You shook your head as you got close to the open door. It wasn't open enough for the people, who were in the room, to see you but you saw them and heard them.

"-I am not looking for someone like her."

Was that Jin Woo?

"HUH? You aren't looking for someone like Cha Hae In? The famous S hunter?"

That must be Jin-Ho. Jin Woo's partner.

Most importantly, Jin Woo didn't accept Cha Hae In? Your power levels were close and from that conversation... it sounded like he was searching for someone better.

You took a deep breath and approached the door, opening it enough for you to pass through. "Am I interrupting?" You asked as you stepped in.

Jin Woo turned his head to you swiftly and smiled. "No, not at all. Why don't you sit?" He said as he gestured the chair.

You smiled and sat as Jin Woo sat across you. "Would you like to drink something? Tea, coffee, water...?" Jin Woo asked. You shook your head softly. "Ah, no. I was here to apply for the guild." You said as you let out a small chuckle.

Jin Woo's eyebrows raised as he leaned forward. "Ah, is that so?" He said as his eyebrows went down. He narrowed his eyes as he just stared at you.

Was he weighing you? You shifted uncomfortably in your seat as you broke the eye contact. Noticing this, Jin Woo fake coughed. "Ah, my bad. Of course you can apply. Though we have a challenge you need to pass." He stated.

You blinked a few times. A challenge? In the brochure, there wasn't such-

"It is a new decision. The challenge is to defeat my strongest soldier." He said as if he read your mind. "Ah, I see. I am going to fight Beru?" You asked, a bit insecure.

"Yes, would that be a problem? If so, I can-" Jin Woo was saying as you cut him off. "No, no. It's alright, it will be a good practice for me." You said with a smile.

"Very well then."

You wore your hunter outfit and held your scythe. The bug was standing before you, black particles and shadows were playing around it. It's eyes were shining purple. It was giving off a lot of murder intent and an intense aura.

You didn't let that distract you. You held your scythe even firmer, locking your eyes on it. You took a deep breath. But in the middle of taking a breath, you rushed forward.

That baffled the bug, giving you chance to swing your weapon. The bug barely blocked it, the weapons' sharp end touching it's body. You let go of the breath and continued attacking.

You attacked and attacked. The bug blocked some or dodged. It attacked you time to time, you swiftly blocked or dodged them. Though sometimes the bug's claws got into your skin. Nothing major though.

You decided to do a trick with your weapon. You spun 180° and let the weapon's stick end hit the bug. The bug wasn't expecting it and a crack sound was heard. Then you turned to the bug, swinging your leg towards it. Your leg hit the bug's head and it knocked the bug out. You didn't expect much damage from that kick but you were incredibly strong.

You turned to Jin Woo, panting and sweating. You had minor cuts or cracks. Overall though you were fine.

Jin Woo's mouth was opened a little. Did he belittle you? You raised your eyebrow. "You didn't expect me to defeat the bug?" You couldn't help but ask.

"Wha- No, of course not. I was just... disappointed in Beru. My bad." He said as he got close to you, with a soft smile. He held your chin and turned it side to side. "Are you alright? Any major injuries?" He asked, getting concerned.

"Eh- er... No. I am fine." You said, your cheek turning pink. "Don't worry, I will heal you." He said.

"Beru, heal her." He said sternly as he let go of your chin. Beru spawned next to Jin Woo, completely healed. It nodded and healed you.

"Leave." He said with the same voice tone, still examining you. Within a second it left.

"Well, uhm, did I pass?" You asked as your e/c orbs ran away from Jin Woo. "No." He said.

You looked at him, shocked. "B-but I defeated the bug!" You objected. Jin Woo shook his head. "You did, but I am looking for... Someone more different." He said.

You frowned and narrowed your eyes. "Wait, I was just a test for Beru? Like to see his power level? You never had the intention to accept me!" You said, disappointment and sadness radiating from your voice tone.

"Well-" Jin Woo was saying but you cut him off, rambling about how you were used like a toy. You weren't the type to ramble, but at that moment you felt like speaking up. The rambling continued until Jin Woo swiftly pulled you to him, kissing you.

The kiss broke in a few seconds, your face washed with shock and blush. Using this, Jin Woo started explaining. "You are right, it wasn't nice of me to use you in that way. I am sorry. You are an excellent hunter, but I am searching for someone who would appear as a member but not inflict with our business." He said.

Then he kissed you again for a few seconds. As he pulled away, his eyes showed sorrow and regret. "I am sorry, it was really stupid of me to do that. Could you forgive me?" He asked.

You blinked a few times, still puzzled. Only thing you could say was:


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