Liu Zhigang || Date (Part 2 Of The Little Sniper)

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Liu Zhigang x Fem!Reader

"You are cute, mysterious, easy to tease and unique; my little sniper."


"I suppose I formed some feelings for you in the first sight."


You were in a fancy limousine with Zhigang. Like all the limousines, passengers and the chauffeur were separated, only connected by a small window which had a plastic slide. You could slide the black plastic to left to see the road, chauffeur and all. Or slide it right for privacy.

The window was closed, some dust could be seen around the corners. It seems it hasn't been open for a long while.

Where you and Zhigang sat, there were six seats in total. Three in front of the petite window and three across it. The seats were made from leather and they were cream hue. They shone a little with the limousine's dim light system. You found it weird since you always thought limousines would have brighter lights.

You two were sitting across the small window and far from each other. When Zhigang picked you up, you hurriedly glued yourself to the window on the left.

Meanwhile Zhigang sat at the right, not bothered. He spread his legs and his arms, relaxing his shoulders. Whereas you tried to occupy the smallest space possible; your legs closed, arms met on the middle of your laps and giving your weight to the window.

On the way to "the sophisticated" restaurant, Zhigang tried to do small talk. He asked questions like how are you, how was your day, how do you feel... In which you replied with short answers, showing that you don't want to talk.

He hummed at your last response and stayed quiet for the rest of the road. He rested his head and closed his eyes, still smiling softly. Though you were shifting uncomfortably in your seat and did your best not to glare at the man.

At last, you decided to watch outside, which made you a bit more comfy. You gazed while trees, buildings and the road went past you. They became blurry and mixed with the city's lights as the driver picked up speed.

You let out a little sigh as you closed your eyes.

Seconds went by... minutes... how far away was this restaurant? You only wanted to get this "date" over and continue sniping. Continue helping people and being useful.

You fixed your e/c orbs on a point in the limousine. You let your thoughts roam free, and at last a thought got into your head and decided to disturb you. What was Zhigang wearing? Was he chic or plain? Did he care for this date or were you another little adventure? You didn't really look at him since all your focus was to get far away from this man as much as possible.

You tried to get as much as possible from your peripheral vision. He tied his hair in his normal way, wore faded red clothing but couldn't make out the fabric and... that was it. You felt your eyebrows burrowing, you were going through a lot of trouble for this "date" and he wore something simple?

I mean, it's not like you care whether this date goes well or not. But still, you felt disappointed.

So you just stared at him for a second. He seems to be asleep peacefully, his soft smile was now a line. "My opportunity." You thought as you just stared at him. You were wrong. The man wore a faded red shirt, a long black jacket with golden tints at the ends of it, a golden watch that shone proudly, a fancy belt and chic shoes. His hair was tied back neatly and glowed with health, his usual hair strands flowing onto his forehead.

As your e/c orbs went lower, Zhigang spoke. "Enjoying the sight?" He asked with a smirk. You turned into a tomato and quickly looked outside the window.

In a second you felt warm skin around your chin as a force made you turn your head back to Zhigang. He was leaning towards you and cupping your chin. "Did I say look away?" He asked in a seducing voice tone.

Before you could answer, the limousine came to a stop.

"Killjoy." Zhigang mumbled.

The restaurant was closed off, only you two were there and the workers. One waiter and some chefs. You were shocked, you didn't expect Zhigang to close off an entire fancy restaurant for the night.

Sitting at the center of the restaurant, you two could see everywhere. The kitchen, outside, bathrooms and all. The restaurant was like any other luxurious restaurant; red carpet floor, long white sheets covering the tables, comfy and expensive looking seats, candles and small flowers in the middle of the tables and chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

You were tapping your foot impatiently as you rested your head in your palm. Trying not to look at Zhigang, you pretended to examine the place. "You know, if a person is examining something new... they wouldn't be impatient, Y/N." Zhigang said, slyness radiating in his voice tone. "Whatever." You mumbled as you stopped tapping your foot and glared at the man.

He was leaning forward with his head resting on his clicked hands, a soft smile covering his face. "Much better, hm?" He said as he winked at you. You scoffed as Zhigang turned to the waiter. "May we get the menu, please?" He asked as the waiter hurriedly brought two menus.

You two ordered some fancy dishes and the waiter basically ran towards the kitchen. It seems he was excited to meet the famous national hunter, Liu Zhigang. You were sure that he didn't know your identity as he never looked in your direction.

"Why are you doing this?" You asked, raising your one eyebrow. Zhigang closed his eyes and hummed. "Well, I like using every information I have in one way or another. I'd like a strong hunter like you by my side, but you are strictly against the government for some unknown reason." He said as he opened his eyes.

"And well, I hadn't gone out for a long while and... you interested me. You are quite the opposite of the "The Sniper" I had in my mind." He said softly. "You are easy to tease, mysterious, really cute and unique." He said, chuckling.

You stayed quiet and only nodded. You felt weird. You felt some movement in your tummy, as if butterflies were tickling your stomach. Could you... be happy and flattered that a guy was interested in you? And not some any guy; a charming, a bit of a jerk, yet kind and gentle guy. Also quite hot and well defined.

"Forgive me for blackmailing you into this, though do accept the fact that you are not easy to reach, my little sniper." He said as he winked. You avoided eye contact as you thanked him silently. You could feel your cheek burning.

He let out a chuckle. "And don't look so bothered again, I know that you are charmed by me. Admit it." He stated.

You took a deep breath and closed your eyes. A small smile formed on your lips as you focused on Zhigang. "I guess. Let's see how this date goes." You admitted, letting all the stress leave your body.

Maybe he wasn't that bad. Sure, the way you guys got closer wasn't ideal but it was sweet in its own way.

The date went great. You guys got to know each other, laughed, blushed and most importantly smiled all night. You decided to keep in touch with this man, though you drew the line at being a girlfriend. You told him that you needed a bit more time to get to know him before getting into a proper relationship. He accepted it with no problem.

As he was dropping you off at the shabby building where you two met, he got out of the limousine. He pulled you by your waist and pressed his lips onto yours. Seconds went by... and finally broke off the little kiss. "I will be waiting for you, darling." He said as he winked.

You smiled and blushed as you watched the limousine drive off.
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