Baek Yoon Ho || Kidnapped

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Baek Yoon Ho x Fem!Reader

"Are you alright? Did he do anything?"

"No. Though his breath smelled bad."

You were going out with your homies, heading to a famous bar. You guys thought, why not a girls night? Thus decided to go out.

You wore your chic outfit and completed it with accessories. Though you did not forget the black smart watch.

The smart watch had a system, when you tap it three times repeatedly it would send your location to Yoon Ho's phone. It would mean that you are in trouble and need help.

Did I mention? Being the girlfriend of Yoon Ho wasn't easy. There was a high chance of being in danger as Yoon Ho had his enemies. It was a way to protect you.

You styled your hair and put on some make up. Though it took you almost two hours, you could hear your friends saying: "You are late again, Y/N?" You smiled at the thought.

You walked out of the bathroom, giving your reflection one last glance. Tonight was going to be wild.

Barely making it to your meeting spot, your friends gave you some glares, head shakes and sighs. Your lips curled upwards in an awkward way as you scratched your neck.

"Well whatever. We accept you that way." One of your friends said. "Let's go drink y'all, come on!" Another said, giggling and jumping.

"Alright, alright. Calm down, people are going to think we are weird. Let's just go." The mom friend said.
The place was quite large. There was an opening for people to dance, tables and seats at the corners and a large bar. Yet it was crowded. Almost no empty seats and the dance floor was full.

Your friends and you looked around, trying to find a place to sit. "Oh, there is an empty table across the dance floor! I can occupy it and you guys buy drinks!" You shouted as your eye locked in on a table.

"Alright! Getting something soft to drink! Don't wanna get too drunk!" One of your friends shouted back.

It took you a while to make it to the table. You had to squeeze between people or elbow them. Under the pink and purple light, you could see people's grins and smiles turn into frowns as you tried to pass through them.

A sigh escaped from your mouth when you reached the table. You sat in exhaustion and fixed your hair and clothes. "Was this a bad idea? Maybe we should have headed to a smaller bar." You couldn't help but think.

From where you sat, you could see the whole bar. So you decided to observe people. There is no harm in doing that, right?

You spotted your friends talking with the bartender. Seeing how many people were waiting for drinks, it would take them a while to get to you.

You let your eyes wander elsewhere. Like a couple having a fight while being drunk, some woman being dragged by the security and a really crowded table.

Your eyebrows furrowed as you examined the table. A man with a muscular body was surrounded by women who wore some sort of a bikini.

Your nose wrinkled as your mouth curled downwards. You felt disgusted for some reason. Though you couldn't help examine them further.

The man wore a simple orange shirt with black pants. He had sunglasses on for some reason. It is already dark here, why wear sunglasses? His hair was really short and his face was built stern.

His finger went to his glasses and pushed them down. His eyes were grayish brown and he was staring at you.

"Oh shit! He is Hwang Dong Su. He means trouble and he is locked in on me." You thought as you quickly stared elsewhere.

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