Flirting With Truths

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There will potentially be some flirty and fluffy stuff and all that, I'll try not make it too cringy for you poor souls.
Hope you enjoy!!


He doesn't think the idiot would do anything too stupid with him around.

But obviously, he is a freaking idiot.

But a brave idiot at that.

Also very very lucky.

Lucky they are both as bad as each other.


I stand in the doorway and chuckle as I watch Macaque cook dinner.

I wasn't laughing at him, hell no!

But rather myself. For being an idiot and not shooing them both off like I usually did... Well- as far as Sunny was concerned. The boastful buffoon never knew about Macaque coming back each night after they'd both turn up.

Macaque looks back at me and I see that he too is half lost in thought.

I shake my head and step back into the kitchen, walking toward the dark-furred monkey.

"Do you ever get lonely?" I ask softly, stepping to lean on the bench beside him.

He looks at me and scoffs a little. "Sometimes I suppose..."

I shrug and stand there awkwardly.

There wasn't much to say as I waited for him to finish dinner and serve it up.

He hands me a bowl and sits on a stool, gesturing formme to join him.

I take the offered bowl and take a seat beside him before I start eating.

I go over my thoughts as I eat and jump when I feel something wrap around my waist.

"Macaque!" I yelp, almost jumping out of my seat as my head snaps down to look at his arms that remain in their place crossed round my stomach. "Move your hands, now, before I bite you."

He removes his arms and raises his eyebrows.

"You know you can't touch me." I remind him, wincing slightly.

"Sorry, you're too irresistible~"

I look at him with an amused scoff. "In your dreams cucciolo di scimmia~"

"I am not a monkey cub, stop calling me thatttttttt!" He whines.

I shake my head and stand, putting my empty dish in the sink and running the tap to start washing up.

Macaque grabs my shoulder and pulls me away from the sink.

"I'll do them." He tells me. "But first I'll show you around to where you'll be staying."

I sigh and roll my eyes, choosing not to argue with him as he leads me through the dojo.

I listen as he talks and follow silently until we get to a place that kinda looked like a living room where I spot a painting.

"Pretty..." I say softly, reaching out to guide my paw along one of the lines.

"Doesn't look as pretty as you though~" Macaque smirks.

"I'd ask if it hurt when you fell from heaven and landed on your face, but then I remembered that you rose from hell, obviously there's a reason you weren't wanted."

He looks at me, not hurt but surprised I'd say something like that.

"You are blind."

He looks taken aback.

"You weren't wanted in hell,but you're wanted here~" I smirks, tryna make it obvious.

He shakes his head and shrugs. "I'll grab your clothes from the spare dresser so you can go get cleaned up."

"Mhm... Okay, seems like ya tryna rid of me~"

He chuckles and runs his paws down his face. "Nah, you're too good to be around~"

I roll my eyes. "Just go grab the clothes so I'm not tracking mud through the place."

"Yes Peaches~"


{~After Shower~}

I flick my head to shake the water off my ears as I step out of the bathroom and head back to the living room where Macaque was waiting for me with his head in his hands.

I take a set on the lounge opposite to him and tilt my head at how silent he was right now.

"You good bud?" I ask softly.

He looks up at me and shakes his head, no.

I sigh and stand, moving to sit beside him as I gently pull him to my chest and sway with him.

"Is something the matter?"

He looks up at me with the most innocent eyes I'd ever seen on him, it made me fall even deeper in love with him.

He lets out a small sigh and rests his head over my heart.

"You keep rejecting me... And I don't like being alone. I can't help but feel like you'll leave me one day and never return..." He admits.

I run a paw through the fur on his head and gently nudge his head back so I can look at him.

"Are you really that silly?

"What do you mean?" He asks tilting his head.

I look at him as I contemplate my next words.

Minutes pass and I see Macaque is loosing hope.

I finally decide to stop flirting with the truth.

"I love you."


Haha, cliffhanger~
I'm headed home early, so hopefully I'll update tomorrow or the next day.
Please drop thoughts and maybe a comment.

Thanks guys!!

~ His Cub

Peaches In The Meadow {~Macaque X Aiden~}Where stories live. Discover now