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My head hurt. I haven't sleep a blink.

The whole night was torturous. I found Kate new number. But... it was really weird. She newly registered just a year ago. I was curious, and asked myself, what did she do for three years?

I tried looking for answer as to why but it was a dead end. She just disconnected herself from the world.

Regardless after getting her number. I had this urge of contacting her. But fear crept into my system, making it's way to my mind.

What if she forgot about me?

Just thinking about it I've started to lose my nerve. In the end I didn't do it.

Now after meeting Rosenthal. Something occurred to me that I didn't even notice.

He tried to confirm her identity.

I'm ashamed to admit this. But I didn't consider verifying if it was actually her.

Not a little bit...


I'm really a fool.

Whenever it come to her, I could never think straight.

Atleast the catch is that he proven that she exist. And just the thought of it relieves my heart. It even make my lip curve to a smile.

But why?

I don't understand why Kate refuse to meet everyone. It's like she's avoiding them. Us.

She's been like that five years ago.

Everytime Jessica and Richard would video call her she would not open her camera. When I did the same in our first meeting, the only thing I saw was the ceiling.


I admit that I’m clueless in predicting Kate's actions and feelings.

She bemused me.

I remember five years ago. Her relationship with the group was to be their arbiter.

She does not favor nor joined to either side in quarrel, or contest. A ideological personality. Instead she prefer considering all points of view rather than to stick to one line.

Along the process she's eventually be the one making the decisions.

Only when the situation where the group is in fear for themselves, and fare as one' where she can't stop them.

I've never witness her argue. Tho she did try to talked her way in, but when it doesn't work' she'll let it go.

In most cases, she only stay silent.

And I think she's does that by still considering the fact that she's a stranger caught into a strange kidnapping case. Anyone who thinks like that would see that they have no right to make decision for others especially when it was there life at stake.

In fact I sometimes do feel the same. But as much as possible' I rather be logical about every possibilities than letting my emotion be swayed, considerably by fear. So I try to interfered as much as I can.

Moving on. What also caught my attention is Kate emotion.

I'm never good at reading people state of mind but I try it to her. I want to understand what she feel. What's in her mind.

And there was this moment she can shower with love, but she can also act cold and heartless after that. That's where I can't understand what she's thinking at times.

Her personality is like a combination of black and white. Yin and yang. It's opposing.

Anyway... tomorrow. She's coming here in Duskwood. I wonder how she'll do it? The flight from New York to here is estimated to fourteen hours, and for sure it'll take time before she can booked a flight this instant.

If depending on the number of people, her ticket will probably be issued within two or more hours. If there's a delay. In can take one day, sometimes weeks which up to ten or six weeks.

It's annoying that despite having an outstanding emotional intelligence' Rosenthal failed to understand Kate.

Of course she'll be mad after he threatened her. Sometimes when we found ourselves stuck in situation where there's no way out, we tend to act like were strong and unaffected. I think that's what happened with Kate after interacting with Rosenthal.

Now she has to come here as if it's walking distance.

However, I think she doesn't need to listen to him. He didn't mention any kind of threat if ever she couldn't come.

Now that I realised it... if I were to read between the lines...

Does that means Rosenthal knew it'll be impossible?

But was it for Kate?

Back then when Richard as Man without a face asked her to come in Duskwood, and in exchange he'll let Hannah and himself go.

Kate... she was actually considering it. Which causes us to argue. But that's not the case. She was in New York. But her message give this impression that she can go there in a hitch.

I assumed at first that maybe she already booked a flight at the beginning of the investigation, without letting anyone know including me. But I wouldn't care that much about it since I'm in a risky position where I can't trust anyone. I might have not open up my heart to her yet.

Anyway she was determined to help that she wanted to go to Duskwood, but I prevented her from going, and made her promise me that she won't step in that land.

Now that I have less things to worry, I could really notice now' what I have been overlooking from back then.

Somethings odd with Kate.

"Should I asked her if she would like a mango shake with lot's of condensed milk and oh! Grahams." Andrew spouted that interrupted my train of thoughts.

"Women like sweets." He added.

"Forget about that. How would we know if Kate is here if none of us know her face?" Daniel asked.

"Hmm... Is that a problem? We just have to call her tomorrow. Whoever picks up among the swarms of people especially a lady is her."

"What the fuck is that." Daniel stated. He sounded like he's unconvinced with that method. Which was a first. During the investigation he's usually the one who will came up with the worst idea ever.

"I think It'll be easy Dan. Kate will be heading to the cafe. And we all know everyone here in Duskwood. Whoever seems to be a new face. It'll be her." Cleo on the other hand thinks of a very reasonable explanation. In fact that's what I'm thinking too.

"Tsk. Goodluck. If Kate's turn out to be a major average girl you'll have a hard time even guessing she's a new face." He argues.

"Dan that's rude." Jessica points out.

"What?! I'm just making an assumption."

"Just shut up, Dan." Philip finally talked. He's unusually quite. I perceived him to be a chatterbox since he doesn't miss an opportunity to flirt with mine.

Everyone zips their mouths caused by the building tension. Except for Rosenthal, who's quiet. But doesn't give a single fuck around him.

I also do not care.

I'm was here for a purpose. Now it's done I'm leaving.

I need a sleep.

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