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It took four days before we received news from Andrew that Kate is finally conscious. He said that we could visit. But he'll talk to her first before we could. We agreed since he had business to deal with her. What matter to me is that I can see her finally.

"She's just at the next room right?" Jake asking about Kate to Lily.

He was out cold for two days. He just woke up yesterday. Which is great. Since Jake will be able to meet Kate too. For sure he's looking forward for this day.

"Yes. Andrew will send Paul to give us permission to visit Kate once he's done talking with her." Lily explained however Jake did not say a single word anymore. He's just sitted on the bed like how he is ever since waking up' probably drowning in thoughts.

Lily on the other hand' smiles weakly and continue packing Jake things that she bought and we help brought here. He's been discharge a while ago. In fact it seemed to us that he knew that he'll be out of the hospital today because before we could receive the doctor word he already change in his usual clothing.

Then some nurse tried checking his blood pressure, and heart beat. But Jake have this sharp sense. Almost like animal instinct when there are people about to have body contact with him. He immediately avoided them like they're are patients with incurable desease.

The nurses at first are persistent but Jake shut them down by saying he's fine. Take note. In a cold threatening manner.

Scared. They have no choice but to leave him alone. However before they leave, one of them reminded him about making sure to take a week of rest' away from his computer. Jake didn't take that very well. We could tell because he look at them like he wanted to tear them into shreds.

I still found it hard to believe that the Hacker I thought to be weird. Timid. And nerdy is the same man in front of me.

"Guys!" Cleo bursting in from the door' yelled, as she pants for air.

"What's the problem?" Dan asked who's surprisingly haven't made a single noise that I doubt he's even here.

Actually he's playing cards with Phil. Who also doesn't give a damn about Jake. Eversince he woke up, Phil is back in his usual attitude when he's around.

Cold and rude.

"Kate. She's not in her room." Cleo said.

"What is it this time?" Dan throwing his card in the table without finishing the game. He sound like he already had enough of the shits happening around us.

"It's not kidnapping. We checked the cctv footage, she just left her room. But after making outside we have no idea where she is. We have to find her."

"Why would she leave her room?" Lily asked.

"We don't know. The doctor assumed that she must be overwhelmed after almost being deprived of her life. Or perhaps she's conscious of her new environment. Whatever it is we have to find her. She haven't fully recovered yet. She's weak."

Damn. Just when you thought everything will be alright. Things will be not.


Kate is last seen leaving the hospital. But she left the exit leading to the hospital quad. Hoping that she's still around, we all began looking for her at the same place, including the nurses who knows her appearance.

Some of us are in groups whilst the others preferred to searched alone.

Anyway the nurses said that Kate is wearing a white dress. Yes. A white sunflower dress. According to them she's just so beautiful they can't help but buy her a gift and made her wore it. Kate didn't refused them and they concluded that she must have found the hospital gown uncomfortable or perhaps because she's about to run away. Whatever the reason, none of it matters. They still got reprimanded by the doctor for this. And will be disciplined later.

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