A what?!?!?!

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The boys in this school are merely trying to look macho so that all the girls will praise them and will their hardest to be their girlfriend.

They were so easy to beat compared to the usual boys at my last school.

Before this, some guy tried to ask for my name and obviously I walked away from him. I've dealt with enough break ups and betrayals for a year. Even though it was just one break up.

The bell for recess rang, as I was about to stand, a couple of boys started walking to me. I sigh. Another quarrel of the day.

Just like before, all of them drop like flys. I quickly come out of the classroom and look for Kilorn since he promised he would have lunch with me.

i found him at the canteen, surrounded by his soccer teammates. I walk up to him, and ask " Where's the principals office again?".

He seems stunned by my question. As are all his friends or should I say teammates.

" Turn right then head up the stairs until the third floor then trun to your left and trun one last right and you're there", he points out. He looks at me as if I need to explain my situation to him.

"I need a leave for tomorrow just in case I'm too 'worn out' to go to school", I quote on the worn out. He understands what I mean but his teammates dont. The guy who tried to flirt with me before suddenly asks me.

"How are you gonna be worn out tomorrow?". I roll my eyes. "I'm a street dancer. Of course I'm gonna be tired after my match tonight", I explain, annoyed by him. All of them look so shocked. Did they really think only men and boys can be street dancers?

I quickly make my way to the principals office. The principal, Mrs Arania Provos, seemed stunned when I asked for a leave just in case. But she agreed reluctantly. I happily but quietly make my way down the school's hallway until I bump into someone.

He was the guy who tried to flirt with me earlier and one of Kilorn's teammate. He still stares at me, I excuse myself before he starts to ask me out on a date.

But before I could escape, he grabs my wrist, I wince at the feeling of it. He notices this and quickly lets go of my hand. He asks whether I'm okay and at that moment, I was at lost for words.

Before this, I was consumed by bitterness and hate to even look at him properly, I looked closely at his face. Admiring his golden brown eyes and his black as coal hair. Then I realised I was feeling the same thing I had felt for my ex-boyfriend, Tyton, when we first met. Love. I mutter an excuse and head to the girl's restroom.

I lock myself in one of the cubicles, and quietly cry to myself.

I can't do this.

I can't fall in love again.

I can't bear the pain to be betrayed again.

If I admit I like him, then he'll break my heart just like how Tyton did!!!!

No.....I can't be weak......

I need to be more cold-hearted and more hateful........

I must protect my heart......
My mind tells me or rather I tell myself.

But what if he really does love you? My heart whispers to my mind. I open my eyes and look at my wrists. Before Tyton broke my heart, he used to grip my wrists so tight, I only thought it was because he didnt want anyone to hurt me but I was wrong. He was the one who wanted to hurt me and I was a fool to think he truly loved me the same way I did.

If I open my heart to someone else, will they betray me like he did or will they love me the way I want love them?

I breathe in and out and headed to my next class.


Mare, Kilorn's best friend bumped into me while I was on my way to my next class. The both of us were speechless at first but then she quickly excused herself, I turned around to grab her wrists to ask her out. But the moment I touched her wrists, her eyes widened and she wince in reply.....I felt bad for what I did so I quickly shoved my hands back in my pockets.

She says she needs to go somewhere and dashes away from me. I look at her confusing and continue on to my class.

When I sit down for biology, I hear a shrill of a voice calling out to me, I turn around to see Evangeline, trying to win my heart over not knowing my heart is already set on another. Mare Barrow's. Yes, she may be cold and spiteful but I don't know why but I feel like there's a reason why she's like that. Considering the fact of how she reacted when I held her wrists.

But during recess, when she said she was a street dancer I was stunned at first but the world has changed. Now women are getting more smarter, stronger and talented than men.

She said she had a match tonight and if I remember correctly, Ptolemus said he had passes to go to a street dance match tonight and its also a good thing I accepted his request for me to accompany him.

Whats up my Marecals?!??!!??!?!

Just wondering whats your favourite type of food??

Mine is korean and indian and malay food.


Love you alllllll

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