08. Training

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Mara's POV:

It's my third day in the Capitol and today we're starting our training, the legal one, that is. Today all the tributes are tossed in a large training center like the one we have back home. I get out of bed and see a suit with the number two drawn on the back and on the left shoulder, which I suppose must be the training suit, nicely laid out at the feet of my bed. I put on the suit and go to the bathroom to do my hair.

A while later I'm heading for the dining room, with my hair nicely done into two boxer braids and the necklace Clove gave hanging from my neck. "Nice necklace." Says Brutus. I silently thank him and he continues speaking. "So, today is your first day of training, and I want you to show your strengths to the rest of the tributes."

"Yes, so that means that you," Enobaria points at me. "Will go to the knife throwing station, and you," she points at Cato. "Will go to the swordsmanship station. Do I make myself clear?" She asks, clearly determined. Cato and I nod and say a silent yes ma'am.

Cyra takes us the training stations which happens to be under the tribute building, we take a lift to get there. Since we come from Two, the ride doesn't take too long, Good I think, I'm scared to death of the thing. I had to actually close my eyes and hold my escort's hand to not faint in the damn thing.

We get to the station and I notice that we're nearly the first ones to come, turns out all of the pressure that Cyra put on us has given its fruits. She leaves us and not much time goes by for the other tributes to arrive. The head trainer, a  tall, athletic woman named Atala, steps up and begins to explain the training schedule. Experts in each skill will remain at their stations. We will be free to travel from area to area as we choose. Some of the stations teach survival skills, others fighting techniques.

We are forbidden to engage in any combative exercise with another tribute. There are assistants on hand if we want to practise with a partner. When she says this I look at Cato with a knowing look telling him to keep his hands to himself and the dummies.

Cato and I head to our corresponding areas. I take bunch of knives, place them all in my belt and I look at my targets. I realize that, these targets are automatic, that they light up and that's where you have to shoot. I press a button and get ready. A dummy lights up in red I shoot bullseye another one lights up at my right and I  shoot bullseye another dummy lights up, this time I do a little swirl and shoot over my elbow bullseye. I continue shooting a while hitting the center of my targets every time.

When I'm done shooting I go to get all the knives back one by one and when I turn around I see all the other tributes looking at me. Some faces express jealousy, others admiration and others express anger. I get past them and head to the nearest station, which happens to be where Glimmer is desperately trying to hit the target with an arrow, apparently already gotten over the jealousy of my knife throwing.

"Need help?" I ask as I approach the blonde.

"You know how to shoot?" She asks, quite surprised.

"Kinda." I shrug. "You want help or not?" I ask again. She nods and I take a bow and sheath of arrows for myself. I explain quickly the basics and she's much better now, well at least she hits the target. I'm explaining some more things about how to aim better, when Atala takes the stage again.

"Form a line in that station," she points at a ring, where a tall man was standing. "You must place yourselves in District order, the male first."

We shift ourselves into the line, the man on the ring explains what we're going to do, which happens to be wrestling said man. Marvel goes first, winning the man, then goes Glimmer, who lost to the wrestler but did put up quite a fight. Then goes Cato and after winning the instructor, sends a discreet wink in my direction. It is now my turn. Turns out the guy I'm supposed to wrestle is massive, like, even bigger than Cato, and that ain't nothing.

I step up the 'ring' and take a moment to look at the guy. He has a black suit, they seems to be a shield, in some way. Like the ones my brothers and I used to make when we had play fights, but obviously of higher quality, since we used to make ours with pillows and a rope.

He hits first, throwing a punch at my jaw, I dodge swiftly and try to do one of those karate keys, without success, the man is way stronger than I am. He grabs me and throws me to the ground on my back, I feel the air leave my lungs and let escape a grunt.

I get on my feet and catch my breath, I fake tears falling down my face, the man approaches in concern and when he's at the distance I need him to be, I throw a punch with all my strength at his stomach. He falls on his knees, clearly losing his breath from the hit.

I knee his shoulder, this makes him fall to the floor, he tries to escape but I'm already over him. Considering the fact that his body is twice as wide as mine I can't block him with my knees, so I have to improvise. Instead of using both my knees, I use my right knee on the man's right wrist and my left foot on its corresponding wrist.

I'm about to throw my second or third punch to the man's jaw when Atala yells at me to not beat him that hard. I get up from the ground and jump off the ring where I'm received by the rest of the Careers with pats on my back a shit like that in congratulation.

When everyone else is done, Cato comes towards me with a large grin stamped on his face. "Well I think we got a fighter in our alliance this year." He says.

"What do you want?" I ask impatiently.

"Nothing, but it's time to eat, you coming?" He suggests.

"I'll be right behind you." I assure. He leaves my side and I make sure not to lose sight of him while I follow him to the dining hall. The rest of the Careers are all sat on the same table with food on their table. I go to the line to get mine when someone touches my shoulder.

"I saw you today, not bad." The boy from Twelve, again. I think he's named Cormac something but I'm not sure, I'm not going to need his name when I kill him anyway so. Yeah.

"Thanks." I say drily. He continues to make comments about my actions and the knife throwing, he keeps getting closer and closer. I look at Cato and he has the same look on his face he had when the same thing happened on the tribute parade. "You're already on my kill list, so, if you want to make at least five minutes in the arena, you better get your shit outta here." I warn him.

He leaves with the shred of dignity he's got left, I get my food and sit with my group. "We kill Twelve first." I say as I sit down.

"The little girl? I think it's best if we let her live a few days." Suggests Marvel. I give him a look that says 'what the actual fuck?'

"Not the girl, idiot. The guy." Says Cato for me.

"Oh. Why?" Asks Glimmer. I think of telling them the reason, the real reason. But instead I make up something, that isn't really made up since it's true, just not the main reason I want to kill him.

"Well, he's strong, I've seen it, he's fast, and he's good with a bunch of weapons." I say. The rest agree with me, and like that Cormac becomes first on our kill list.


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