15. Where There's Smoke, There's Fire.

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Cato's POV:

This night, my dreams are wired, very weird. Well to be honest Mara has been the protagonist of my dreams lately like this week, and the one before. Point is, I don't know what's going on, but I don't like it.

I'm in my process of dreading the brunette from my dreams when I feel a massive, cold force wake up from my slumber. "What the fuck Mara?" I'm dripping with freezing water from head to toe thanks to my beloved friend.

"Well someone's cranky." Says Marvel from behind her.

"Well someone needs to shut up." I respond.

"You weren't waking up." She explains calmly as if she didn't just throw a bottle of water on my head.

"Wait, where did you get the water from?"

"A river, few miles away." She says. I look at the direction she's pointing with her head. "Any ideas for today's activity?"

"I say we go hunt." Says Marvel.

"No, we stay put, we decided to stay away from trouble." I say.

"But if we don't go hunting, who will kill the rest?"

"Oh, I don't know, the other tributes maybe?!" I reply sarcastically.

I hear a faint 'Guys' from behind me, but I'm too focused on the fight I have in front of me.

"I don't think those useless tributes will do much."

"They already do more than you!" I say. Take that.

"Guys!" I turn around and face a quite pissed Mara, signaling a giant column of black clouds.

"Smoke." I say.

Mara looks up at the sky. "Where there's smoke, there's fire."

"And someone must have made the fire." Says Marvel.

"Yeah no shit." She says.

I swear that accent is driving me insane, if it hasn't yet.

"Can we go hunt now? I'm bored." Complains Marvel.

Mara rolls her eyes at him and we run in the direction of the fire, blood rushing in our veins from the excitement of finally being able to kill someone. We continue running for about half an hour till we find the bonfire where the smoke came from.

It's a gigantic pile of branches, grass and firewood, all placed randomly on an enormous tree, that is also burning. That's what created the smoke, because there isn't much fire to be honest. But there is no one there. We must have come late.

Marvel sees another big black cloud coming from the other side of the arena. We run in that direction, hoping that this time we find someone to kill.

We're confused, concern filling our minds, but we continue nonetheless. When we arrive to where the fire came from we look around, seeing a large bonfire, just like the one before, but no one is there.

"This is getting weird." I say. They both nod in agreement.

"I say we split up, better chance we find the third fire." Suggests Mara.

"If there is a third fire." Says Marvel.

"I'm sure there is," Assures Mara, "there has to be."

"What if there isn't?" I ask.

"There has to be."

"Fine, we split up. But we meet up at dusk at the Cornucopia." I say.

"Fine." They both agree.

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