11. Interviews

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Cato's POV:

I'm starting to hate waking up to the sound of Cyra's screechy voice, always yelling the same sentence. "Come on guys, wake up! Today is a big, big, big day!" She yells once more.

"We know. We know, just please, shut up!" Yells Mara from her room, I laugh at her reaction and get on my feet, my prep team already waiting for me at the door. They bring with them my breakfast, so they can start as soon as possible.

Usually my prep team doesn't do much, just fix my hair and pluck my eyebrows. Useless, I know. Like ,how will that help me in the arena. A while later the team is done and my stylist, a capitolan, middle aged man, enters the room.

"Well Cato. Are you ready to make you look like the most handsome boy in the Capitol?" He asks.

"Yes" I mutter. The man reveals the design I'll be wearing, a silver suit with matching pants and a black shirt. "I love it." I say to my stylist. I really do, I think it's simple yet elegant. Nothing Capitol-like weird stuff. I thank him for that, that he didn't put in some embarrassing thing that they call clothes.

Mara's POV:

"Ok there we go." Says Andy. She turns me around to face a mirror. What I see is someone different, not the District Two girl who liked to go training with her best friend, no. I see the complete opposite of that. I see a fancy girl, a girl that has manners yet, the dress reflects my defiant personality.

I take a good moment to look at the dress. Black, tight sleeves that reach my wrists. But the most stunning thing about it is the corset; it's golden, and heavy too. The long skirt of the dress has a large opening on the left side to reveal the also golden knee boots, that have an angel wing on the end of it.

"I love it." I say, nearly in a whisper.

"I'm glad you do."

Cato's POV:

We get out the room and I'm greeted by Brutus who puts his hand on my back and leads me to a large car. In said car, on the back seat, is Mara. Her dress is beautiful but the golden corset seems quite heavy. "Ain't that heavy?" I asks in curiosity.

"Yep. And tight too." She says. A while later the car stops and we're left in front of the backdoor of the theater where the interviews take place.

We get inside and our mentors take us to separate places, Brutus has a hand on my back, discreetly pushing me to a corner. "You'll have to kill her." He says harshly.

"Who? What are you talking about?" I ask.

"Mara. If you want to win, you're gonna have to kill her." He repeats.

"What? No!" I say. He gives me a warning look and I immediately make up an excuse. "I mean... uh... she's quite good. I'll have her better as an ally and then I'll betray her, when I win her trust." I keep on my most serious face, so Brutus thinks that I'm telling the truth.

"No, you have to kill her, first thing in the arena." He insists.

"Look, I've seen her training back in Two..." I start.

"Me too." He says, interrupting me. I cut him off by replying.

"Then you'll know that she never misses. Never!" I exclaim. Brutus looks at me at nods.

"Come on. The interviews will start soon." He says


Caesar Flickerman goes on stage, presenting himself and the first tribute; Glimmer. We're all in the backstage forming a perfect line, I'm fourth, Mara's third. Glimmer strutted into the stage, waving at the crowd. Then goes Marvel, I really admired the enthusiasm he showed to be in the games, describing how he felt when someone killed somebody else.

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