16. Marvel ☠️

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Mara's POV:

We've been searching the forest for hours and we haven't found absolutely anything.

We know who we're hunting, problem is, we have no clue where they are, obviously. We haven't seen them in days and last time we did was when the tracker-jackers happened so... I seriously doubt they're even close to that zone. Probably traumatized.

We've set traps all over the arena, took us a while but we eventually got there. Hopefully one of them is stupid enough to fall in one. And it's likely they do, the traps are very well set.

My feet burn, to say the least and we don't have time to rest. My words not theirs. I did say that we aren't allowed to have a break until we find them both, or at least one of the bastards. Stupid idea, I know, trust me. But I'm determined and I don't trust these screw-ups to do the job so I'll have to do it myself.

"Can we take a break?" Complains Marvel.

"The only thing you need to take is a shower." Replies Cato.

"Oh, 'cause you're so clean and you smell so good." I say sarcastically.

"You think I smell good?"


A frown sits on his face at my response as we continue walking around the arena. A while later we hear a piercing scream, calling out for help. We look at each other and start running as fast as we can.

When we arrive to where the scream came from we find the little girl from eleven, trapped under a large net that was spared from the explosion. It has heavy metal around the borderline to prevent her from escaping.

A large grin appears on our faces realizing that this might be our first pray in days and Marvel makes his way to kill her with his spear. Rue sees him and starts screaming for Thresh, the boy from her district, Marvel quickly hides himself behind a bush and waits for him to come.

When he does, he frees Rue and hugs her tight, apologizing for leaving her unprotected or some shit like that. Marvel takes his moment and throws the spear, Thresh realizes and takes his machete out. But it's too late. The spear has already pierced the girl's stomach as she tries to stop the bleeding. At the same time, Cormac has shot an arrow to Marvels direction hitting him right on his neck.

And a cannon sounds.

I didn't know he was good with a bow.

I let out an angry scream and take a knife, not aiming or what so ever, again, blinded by anger. The knife makes it's way to Thresh's eye, sinking itself deep into his skull. Cato takes me by the arm and leads me out of there.

"What are you doing?!" I yell at him. He doesn't respond. "Let me go!" I try to get away but his grip is way too strong on my wrist. Another cannon. This one is for Rue, the twelve year old girl, so innocent and sweet, dead.

When we're a mile or so away from the corpses. He lets go of me and starts picking up firewood and piling it all up.

"Are you going to help or are you going to keep looking?" He says dryly.

"You're an arse you know that right?"

He stops his work, with a frustrated look on his face and walks up to me. "Why?"


"Why am I an asshole?" He asks his tone getting louder.

"Because you- I had to kill him." I explain. "District Twelve."

"He was about to shoot you! Are you that blind?!"

"Why do you care what happens to me? This is the Hunger Games! Don't you realize?! Only one wins!" I yell losing my temper. All the anger I've held for the last few days finally makes its way out of me and I feel a weight disappearing from my shoulders.

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