Chapter 1: The Meeting

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"Are you sure you'll be okay on your own?" A middle-aged woman moaned worriedly as she paced the floor space of the dainty little bookshop. Her hair was short and brown, pulled into a messy bun at the base of her neck. The woman's face was rounded, with a small button nose and defined laugh lines. Her green eyes settled on the young girl leaning haphazardly against the counter.

The girl's identical emerald eyes rolled and she gave her mother a dry look. "I'll be fine, I'm not a child anymore. And it's just for a few days." The girl swiftly pulled her brown hair back into a bun like her mother's. From behind them, a door opened and a tall man stepped into the area. His hair was black and braided down his back. His features were strong, with a pointed nose and thin lips. His eyes were a light brown, almost golden.

"Orum." The woman sighed anxiously as she shuffled over to him and gripped his brown-sleeved shirt, "Maybe one of us should stay here with her." Orum lifted his free hand to clasp at his chin as he pondered the thought.

The girl let out an exasperated sigh and tapped the counter lightly. "Seriously, you guys are just being a little bit ridiculous. Nothing is going to happen while you're gone. We hardly ever get visitors to our village and on the off chance that something does go wrong, I'll head to Ming-Wei's place and stay with her."

Orum shared another look with his wife, "The war has been over for quite some time now, Huan. I think she'll be okay without us for a couple of days."

Huan sent Orum a fleeting look before fixing her gaze on their daughter. "That's not what I'm worried about." Huan tightened her grip on Orum's arm.

Orum patted his wife's hand gently and smiled over at his daughter who was fidgeting behind their countertop. "We need to trust in Liena to make smart decisions. She's old enough now."

Liena nodded, a gentle smile on her face, "I promise I won't let the shop be destroyed." Liena motioned to her mother. "You've been saying for months that we need more updated books for the shop. You and father go to the next village over and see what they have. When was the last time you both got to have some time to yourselves?" Liena muttered smartly as she leaned against the counter.

Huan eyed her daughter suspiciously. "I know what you're doing young lady."

"And is it working?" She asked, clasping her hands behind her back.

Huan shared one more look with Orum before she sighed in defeat and rubbed at her cheek. "Fine. You can stay and mind the shop. But I do not want you going out after dark and make sure you lock up. Double and triple check the locks—"

"And don't open it for anyone unless they know the secret password." Liena drawled to her. Liena smirked at her mothers disapproving glare. "Sorry, but I know what to do."

"Come now, Huan." Orum picked up the backpack that was at Huan's feet. He tossed it over his shoulder. "We should head off before it starts to get too dark." Orum approached Liena as the girl moved out from behind the counter and threw her arms around her father's shoulders. Orum was a tall man, and Liena had to step onto her tiptoes to be able to hug him like this. Orum hugged her back, squeezing her tightly for a moment before he pulled away and ruffled her hair. Liena swatted his hand away with a laugh.

Huan swept Liena into a bone-crushing hug. Liena gasped as the air was squeezed right out of her. "Be safe. Don't do anything reckless and if anything happens you go straight to Ming-Wei's."

Liena hugged her mother back. "I'll be fine, I promise."

Huan released her slowly, and then kissed her cheek and then her forehead. Huan stepped away and moved over to Orum who was holding the front door open for them both. Liena followed after them and out into the dry and humid weather. The sun was mildly warm on their skin. A dry wind billowed Liena's loose pants and a few strands of her brittle hair. Orum hitched the bag higher up onto his back as he waved to Liena over his shoulder. Huan took a few steps but then spun on her heel and launched herself at Liena, hugging her one final time. Liena laughed and returned her mother's hug.

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