Chapter 21

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i took a deep breath, i was too nervous. should. I tell everyone the truth?

"Well, when i was young i has the worst experience you could ever have. i got bullied, they always hurt me every day. one day they started beating me up, two of them pinned me down and one got a razor and started cutting my of them hit me over the head with a bat, i lost my memory but it all came back eventually. it's probably the wort thing what can ever happen to you but i stayed strong and if I hadn't i wouldnt be here today, lifes hard. all those bullies out there need to think about what there doing before they do somthing they regret" i said with a tear falling down my face, i couldnt stay here anymore.

i looked in the audience and saw alot of people crying. i walked of the stage, i dont feel right anymore. just saying my past outloud makes me bust into tears, no one knew what i was going through. i have kept somthing secret for too long, i need to tell someone about me falling off that bridge.

I was shocked that Lucie just said all that, now i feel really bad. I only did what Taylor told me to and it has gone too far.

"Yall im gonna go find Lucie" i say walking off the stage. i started walking, i walked past a closest and i herd crying coming from it. i opened it and saw Lucie sat crying. I walked in and shut the door.

"Look im so sorry" i said sitting down.

"Its fine....." i replied.

"Yall were all gonna go find Lucie so were gonna have a short break" Mahogany said. we all walked off stage, stopped and i looked at Taylor, he soon stayed still

"This is all your fault" i said looking directly at Taylor.

"how is it, the ugly hoe just told us her life story" Taylor said.

"You do know you nearly killed Nash with that pan?" I said.

"Whatever" Taylor said walking off. i caught up with everyone. we stopped at a closet what voices were coming from. we all put our ears to the door and herd.

"You do know i only made you take the blame for pushing Taylor off the bridge cuz i was scaired of him" A voice like Aarons said, i think it's Aaron.

"Its okay, but you didnt have to throw me off a bridge to prove a point!" Lucies said. i knew at this point we were in trouble.

"I dont know how Us two, Cameron, Nash and Taylor have kept this secret for so long, this was like 3 years ago!" Aaron said.

"I know right, i think Taylor nearly killed Nash, Cameron and i when he hit us on the head with that pan yesterday" Lucie said.

"Yea... im sorry for him, sometimes i dont even know why were friends with him" Aaron said.... everyone took there ears off the door and looked at Taylor.

"You threw Lucie off a bridge!" Charlie said sounding pissed off.

"It was actully on the night of prom, me and Nash herd a scream and saw Lucie fall" i said.

"Wait, so Taylor hit me on the head with a pan yesterday?" Nash said.

"Yes..... dont you remember?" I said. Just then Lucie and Aaron walked out the closet, we all looked at them, Lucie had a guilty look on her face.

"I cant re......" I herd Nash say before he fell to the floor.

"NASH" Lucie said.

"Oh shit...." Aaron said

A/N- thoughts?

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-Lucie. 😀

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