Chapter 44

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I decided to go over to the Magcon house, all of O2L came with me but Kian cuz he was at a party with my cousin.

We pulled up on the drive and Trevor knocked on the door. A few minutes later Jasmine answerd the door.

"Hey guy, what are you doing here?" She said.

"Well, we got bored" Connor said.

"Yea, can we come in?" Ricky said with a pokemon bag in his hand.

"Sure" Jasmine said. We all walked in and sat on a couch, nearly everyone was sat in the lounge.

"So hows life?" I said trying to make conversation.

"Lifes good" Nash said

"Yea, has anyone seen Taylor?" Jade said

"Nope" Jodie said. Just then a very drunk Taylor opened the door, there was another girl with him.

"GUYS PUT THE NEWS ON NOW!!!" Taylor shouted falling over.

"Why" Cameron said

"JUST DO IT" The girl yelled. Cameron put the news on and there was a car crash, the news man said that 1 bodie was found dead. My jaw dropped, everyone was looking at me.

"Jc whats up?" Sam said patting my head

"THATS KIANS CAR!" i shouted.

"Oh no" Mahogany said

I couldn't move my body. I think im dead, i felt a pair of lips touch mine and suddenly i felt everything moving again, i looked up and saw Kian with a small peice of glass in his forhead.

"Kian your arm" i said pointing to it

"Ill be fine" Kian said pulling the glass out of his arm. I looked around and saw a small peice of glass in my arm.

"Pull that glass out my leg for me Kian" i said, Kian did as I instructed him to do.

"Thanks, where are we" I said curiously

"Well, so no one knew it was us when you blacked out i picked you up and walked to the park" Kian said.

I looked at my self on my camera on my phone and i looked terrible.

"We should get home" Kian said.

"Lets go" i said getting up.

When we got back to the house i tryed to open the door but it was locked. Just then a drunk Jill poped out of a bush m. She looked really injured.

"WHAT THE FUCK" Kian shouted.

"WHERES DRAKE?" she shouted

"I DONT KNOW OR CARE" i shouted. Jill then tryed to attack me but failed.

"I think Drake might be dead" Kian said. Jill screamed really loud, i think im death now.

"Kian we need to get inside" i said

"How?" Kian said

"Break a window or somthing" i said. Kian picked up a rock and threw it into the window. It smashed in Jills face

"Well, i think you killed Jill" I said. We walked through the window and saw all of O2L asleep on the couch. We started to sneak past then when Jill ran through the window and jumped on my back.

"Shh" i said, she nodded and we went into the kitchen and sat under the table, eventually we fell asleep.

I woke up and walked downstairs, i saw alot of people eating i sat down at the table and felt somthing under there.

"Guys there's somthing under the table" I said

"Rat?" Trevor said. Everyone crowded the table.

"Lift it up" Aaron said. I lifted up the tabel cloth to see Lucie and Kian asleep, there was a note on Kians Lap.

"OMG KIAN, LUCIE" Jc shouted, it must of startled them cuz Lucie hit her head off the tabel. Kian picked up the note and read it out loud.

"To my ex Bf Kian, i left cuz your slutty gf friend Lucie was snoring. I did have sex with you just to let you know, you two should never come to my house again or speak to me, you killed Drake
-with love, Jill" Kian said and ran to the bathroom after. a few minutes later he ran back out.

"K, i think im clear of STD" Kian said, Lucie started laughing.

"What happened to you two" The Jacks said at the same time.

"This is the story" Lucie said.....

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