Chapter 41

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i grabbed a bowl of popcorn and started eating it, just then the door bell rang. I opened it and Kian ran up to me and hugged me.

"Okay then....." I said pulling away from the hug. I also got a hug from Jc, we sat on the sofa

"So what are we watching on Netflix?" Jc said

"To be honest i dont know" i said

"How about Orange is the new black?" Kian said putting it on.

"Okay then" i replied grabbing the popcorn. We chatted for a long time then fell asleep.

-Next day-

I woke up and looked around i saw that Jc was asleep and Kian was awake on his phone

"Hey Kian, wanna prank Jc?" I whispered

"Lets do it" Kian said with a smile on his face. We grabbed 4 cream cans out the fridge and i put 2 cans of cream onto 2 plates. Kian had a huge hand full of cream in both hands, i did the same. We walked up to Jc and both slapped him really hard around the face. He shot up.

"YOU LITTLE SHITS" Jc shouted trying to whipe the cream off him. He ran into the kitchen and grabbed both plates, he then ran back in and hit me and Kian with the
Plates of cream, i think it went in my ear.

"Well we messed up the lounge" i said laughing.

"Cool, im gonna go wake everyone up" Kian said, he grabbed some oil and ran out the room.

"We better clean this up" Jc said as he wiped cream off his face.

"Ill get the broom" I replied.

KIANS POV (ooo didnt see dat coming :p)

I ran up staires and stared shouting random words. I put oil all over the floor outside the boys rooms, i didnt do it to the girls cuz im friendly. Nash opened the door and slipped onto his face. I burst out laughing. Soon all the boys started coming out and falling, i just stood laughing.

"Kian, how did you get in?!" Cam said as he stood up.

"I slept downstairs with Jc and Lucie" Kian said.

"Oh...." Taylor said as he fell onto the floor. I ran downstairs to see that Jc and Lucie had cleened up and made breakfast.

Kian walked past Jc's plate and took some toast off it.

"Hey Kian, do you mind?" Jc said.

"Nope" Kian replied as He shoved the toast into his mouth. Just then everyone else came downstairs.

"Hey Lucie, when did Jc and Kian get here?" Jasmine said

"Last night" i replied. Just then Kian sat next to me and started to text me. Why couldnt he just talk to me hes sat right next to me.

Kian: i need help

Lucie: why?

Kian: i wanna break up with my girlfriend but i dont know how to, can you help?

Lucie: Sure, who is she

Kian: shes called Jill and she practically forced me into dating her.

My jaw dropped. Kian was dating Jill....!

A/N- thoughts?

NashtyReynolds -Charlie
JasmineGuy -Jasmine
jadeystiff15 -Jade
JodieMcsorley -Jodie

-Lucie 😀

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