Chapter 37

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me and Lucie walked to the park, it was really awkward cuz me and Lucie aren't really friends.

"Soooooo how have you been?" I said awkwardly

"I have been good" Lucie replied. When we got to the park, Lucie showed me where her penny board was, its still not there.

"Do you think he will show up?" I said sitting down on the swing

"He just walked into the park" Lucie said pointing to Drake who just walked back into the park.

"Hey babe" Drake said

"Dont you dare call me babe, i want my penny board back" Lucie said.

"Sure lemme get it out of my bag" Drake said openeing his bag, he got a baseball bat out and Lucies penny board, he then began hitting her board over and over again untill it broke.


"WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" Taylor shouted

"Who are you exactly?" Drake said.

"Im nobody" Taylor said. Just then a girl who had blond hair, brown eyes, high waisted shorts, a blue crop top and some white converse. She looked fake.

"Hey Drake is this the slut who tryed to defend bitch Jess?" The girl said

"Mate if anyones a slut its you" i said picking up my broken penny board. Taylor burst out laughing.

"You have guts, whats your names?" Drake said

"Im Bob and this is Lisa" Taylor said, i looked at him in confusion

"Oh dont lie, i know your fucking Taylor Caniff, remember me? I was the girlfriend you cheated on" the girl said

"Oh shit its Jill" Taylor said hiding behind me. (Im sorry if your names Jill or Drake 😬)

"Oh so she has a name" i said laughing

"You two better get running, cuz i need money and i have none, im guessing you two do" Drake said

"SHIT TAYLOR ABORT MISSION" i shouted, me and Taylor started to run, Drake and Jill. We got to the front door and I realized it was locked, Drake and Jill came around the corner and saw us.

"Oh shit" Taylor said. Just then Nash opened the door i ran in and kissed him. Dont ask me why, i have my reasons!!!

"Okay......" Taylor said as he locked the door and walked away. I pulled away from Nash.

"Sorry" i said feeling really embarrassed

"Its fine" Nash said, his face had gone red.

"Can we not talk about this?" I said

"Sure" Nash replied smiling. I walked into the living room with my broken board.

"What happened" Shawn asked, I explained everything.

"TAYLOR GET YO ASS DOWN HERE" Cameron shouted, i saw Jess and Cameron were hugging. Taylor rushed down

"Sup?" Taylor said

"Who was that girl?" I said

"Oh its the slut who i lost my virginity to" Taylor said smirking. My jaw dropped

"Dirty cow" Nash said, I giggled.

"Calm down, i cheated on her after" Taylor said

"Wow, so is she like pissed of at me or you?" I said

"Guessing me" Taylor said

"She knows where you live now, we're screwed" Jess said

"What do you mean?" Jack G said

"Trust me i know Jill, when shes mad she wont stop untill she gets what she wants" Jess said

"Well what dose she want?" Cameron said

"I have no idea" i said.....

A/N- thoughts?

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