Chapter 27

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someone walked into the room it was Cameron and Matt.

"hey Taylor can we talk to you in private?" Cam said.

"Sure, ill be back in a sec Lucie" i said walking out the room.

"Come with us" Matt said, i walked into Camerons hotel room with all the guys in.

"Oh hey Taylor, why are you and Lucie hanging out?" Nash said, i could see the frustration in his face.

"Me and Lucie are dating" i said. everyones jaw dropped.

"YOUR WHAT!" Cameron said.

"You herd me" i replied.

"I can't believe she said yes to you, after everything you have done to her" Aaron said.

"Why did you and her start dating anyway?" Matt asked in confusion

"I have my reasons" i said.

"i need more answers" Nash said walking out.

i can't believe im dating Taylor, i hope our plan works tho. just then Nash came in the room, he seemed really pissed off.


"Uhm......"i replied.

"I NEED YOU TO TELL ME WHY, I THOUGHT WE HAD SOMTHING" Nash said as he burst into tears. i felt so sorry for him, i had a few feelings for Nash but I didn't think he had any for me, my lifes so complicated...

"Well...." Nash said. just then my dad rang me,i ignored it. I didn't know what to say.

"Whatever but when Taylor dumps im gonna be here for you" Nash said walking out. Just then Taylor walked in.

"Sup?" He said, he must of saw that i had been crying cuz he threw a tissue at me.

"It doesn't matter" i said as i wiped my eyes.

"This plan better work" i said.

"Yea....." I replied. i got a call from my dad. I put it on speaker

"Hi, can you and Taylor meet us at the park now please we have some good news". My dad said.

"K, bye" i said ending the call.

"Lets go!" Taylor said.

When we got to the park i saw my dad and Taylors mom making out.

"Ewww" I whispered

"I know right" Taylor replied.

"Hey there guys!" Taylors mom said.

"So me and Rebecca are getting married!" My dad said.

"Yay" i said sarcastically.

"When is the wedding?" Taylor said.

"At the end of the week, theres a party a few days before it and by the way your friends in Magcon are also invited Taylor" Rebecca said.

"Ill text them shall i?" I said.

"No, why dont we go tell them Lucie?" Taylor said.

"We will mail letters to your hotel rooms!" My dad shouted as we walked away.

"Okay so.... should we try split them up at the party, since its in 2 days?" I said.

"Yea, i have the perfect plan" Taylor replied.....

A/N- hai, next chapter is gonna be the quadruple date!

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