F.M. | A Date? Maybe?

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MY MAN MY MAN MY MAN MY MAN 🐶🐩🐶🐶🐶🐕🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🦮🐶🐕‍🦺🦮🐶🦮🦮🐶🐩🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐩🐶🦮🐶🐶

a blink and you miss it reference to sex

If Franek doesn't owl you right this second whether she's coming to study or not, you're going to riot. You're bringing the whole castle down, with Franek inside.

You nervously tap a steady beat into your book, another textbook levitating just above you're hand; you're practicing for multi-spells, and the fact that the thing is a thousand pages thick and with a hard cover is just a little bit of an incentive to keep it up in the air. You really don't want to break fingers tonight.

Maybe Franek is caught up with something. Maybe she was given after school detention in the stretch from the Slytherin common room. Maybe she's arguing with her brother, and thus walking extra slow to try and get her winning point across.

You wouldn't mind that last one. Oh no, definitely not. If she's arguing with Felix, that means Felix will inevitably enter the library.

And Felix in the same room as you means more opportunities to delude yourself into thinking you'll ask him out.

He's just so... perfect, okay? You're not that big of a pussy to be unable to hold a conversation with him. Quite the opposite. The whole reason you're even crushing on him is because you got to know him better, and confirm that his act around others is who he is.

Okay, and he's pretty hot too. How are you supposed to ask out a guy who screams "Man of your dreams!" when you can ogle him instead? Exactly.

It just... slips your mind to ever ask for a date.

"Hey." A voice says from your side, and you turn as the person pulls the chair out, mouth open to cuss Franek out for taking so long (and not bringing her brother).

Except this isn't Franek.

"Oh. Hi Felix." You say, voice strangled as he sits down next to you.

"You sound so happy to see me." He grins at you, ever so slightly hunching his shoulders as he looks at you; apparently people who are taller sometimes have habits to make themselves look smaller.

"No, no, I am." You say, a grin welcoming onto your face as you turn in your chair towards him. "Who wouldn't be happy to see you?"

"Good question." He says, and his grin softens into a smile, a glint of mischief in it. "Have you seen Franek?"

"No." You answer truthfully. "I've been waiting for her to show up for half an hour now."

Felix groans, and then props his elbow on the table, face braced on his fist. He lifts a hand, and taps a finger on the thick book that has dropped significantly closer to your hand, "What's this about?"

"Multi spells." You say, and focusing on the book again, lift it back up to its previous height. "The threat of injury is meant as incentive to not drop it."

"Ah." He says, and then looks at you again. "You seem like you're managing quite well."

"I know." You say, a preening note in your voice. "I excel at everything."

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