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Atlanta, Georgia
A few moments later

Asian and Von came downstairs seeing Destiny laying on the couch on her phone with a pillow over her legs.

"So you just gon ignore me?" Von asked walking over to her. "Like you want her to beat yo ass or something.." He said pointing at Asian. Watching as Destiny shrugged her shoulders.

Destiny wasn't scared of them. She loved having his attention and she didn't care what came with it. She didn't care if she had to died behind it either.

"Mhmm." Destiny hummed going to her camera, seeing that her lace was lifting a little. She still took a few pictures while her face was still pretty.

Von chuckled snatching her phone out her hand. "Get up." He said throwing it on the floor, hearing the glass crack before grabbing her up by her arm.

"So you really not gon leave?" Asian asked walking up to her as she shook her head no.

"How many times I gotta say no?" She asked getting up as Von still held onto her. "I love it here.. why would I leave?" She said crossing her arms. Wishing they could just get out her face right now.

Destiny just wished she could do last night all over again. She missed the Von and Asian from last night.

"Just hurry up and beat me already. I don't know why anyone would want to beat up their girlfriend so badly but do what you-" She was cut off by Asian hitting her in her face.

Feeling Von let her arm go she tried to hit back but there was no use because Asian kept going.

Hitting her face repeatedly Destiny fell to the floor trying to cover herself, using her feet to kick but nothing was working.

Von and Asian thought that would finally make Destiny leave but she loved it all. They didn't know that she wouldn't care if Von himself put his hands on her, she loved it there and she didn't care what it took to stay.

"They own who?" Asian asked grabbing a hold of her hair, making her look up at her as her lip bleed out.

Destiny swallowed most of it trying to talk. "The- their own gir- girlfriend." She said as Asian punched her in her face again making her scream a little.

She only hit her because she didn't like her calling herself, her girlfriend because she only had one and she felt like Destiny was so desperately trying to take her place.

And even though no one could take Desire's place, Asian hated how much she tried.

"All this shit could've been avoided if you just took yo ass home." Von chuckled watching as she tried to get away, getting a glimpse of her bloody face.

Asian stopped hitting her, cracking her knuckles
"You done?" She asked standing over her watching as she shook her head.

"N- no." Destiny said looking up at her, her right eye getting puffy.

Asian just shook her head. "Something not right with you..." She laughed looking over at Von as he just shook his head.

"You the one told her she could come over here. Now something ain't right." He shrugged, smiling as she smacked her lips. Hoping she learned her lesson about bringing strangers home.

She looked back at Destiny as she just sat there with a straight, swollen face.

"Was just eating her pussy now you beating her ass... shit don't make no sense." Von laughed again as Asian smacked her lips again.

Destiny got horny hearing him say that. She wished him and Asian could switch spots that night but she didn't really care in that moment because Asian knew what she was doing and accidentally made her fall in love over night.

"Why?" Asian asked reaching over, wiping the blood of her chin with her thumb because it irritated her that she just let it sit there.

That made Destiny's heart warm as she tried not to smile. "Be- because... You're angry at me and I get it. Just take your anger out on me." She said softly, looking Asian in her eyes.

"Get the fuck up." Asian told her making her nod quickly doing as told.

She stood up fixing her bra because she still hasn't put her close on. Leaving them upstairs, loving the thought of her stuff in their house.

"Is this what Desir-" She started but was cut by Asian kneeing her in her stomach. Making her fall to the floor again as she curled up into a ball, feeling a sharp pain throughout her body.

Asian continued to kick her in her stomach ignoring her screams. "Desire what?" She asked pushing her head back with her foot, trying to get her out of the ball she was in.

Destiny was going to ask if this is what Desire had to go through but she didn't want to say it anymore.

"Say it before I spit on you." She said bending down to her level as she tried getting up.

She flinched seeing Von come over to them. Waiting for her to finish her sentence. "Is this- is this what- ahh..." She said unable to talk as the pain in her stomach got worse.

"Unt un, say it." Von said squinting his eyes as she put her hand over her stomach. Shaking his head as she tried avoiding the question.

Destiny looked up at nodding her head slowly. Whatever for him, remember. "Is this what Des Desire had to-." She cut herself off turning her head as throw up shot out her mouth, getting it all over their carpet.

"I'm- I'm sorry.." She said, her voice shaking as she squeezed her eyes shut. Trying not to cry.

Asian got up, mugging her. "Now you gotta clean it up... what the fuck wrong with you." She said watching as she wiped her mouth.

"I didn't mean to..." Destiny said trying to get up to clean it but she couldn't. Her legs were too weak. "I can't- I can't get up." She said looking down. Trying to avoid Von's eye contact.

He just shook his head. "My shit better be spotless and you better be gone when I get back." He said walking over to the kitchen to grab his keys. He was about to go back to Chicago to look for Desire since she brung her up.

Even though he only went once a week, going twice this week wouldn't hurt.

Asian nodded just deciding that she would clean it up herself. "I got you." She said as he walked over to her, kissing her on her cheek making Destiny smile lazily.

"B- bye..." Destiny said looking up at him with a smile, her eye more swollen than before as he just mugged her before leaving.

Asian smacked her lips. "Now I gotta clean up this mess..." She said looking at the throw up. "Man come on." She grabbed Destiny by her hair, dragging her to the door.

Destiny just let it happen, not wanting to move anymore in fear that she was going to throw up again.

Asian opened the door slinging her body outside, hearing her scream, making her chuckle as she watched Von's car drive away. Leaving Destiny on the porch quickly closing and locking the door.

"Weird ass bitch..." Asian said walking to the kitchen to get the cleaning supplies.

Y'all happy now?😕😭 I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter🫶🏾

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